GNGTS 2013 - Atti del 32° Convegno Nazionale

Sjöberg, L., E.; 2009: Solving Vening Meinesz-Moritz inverse problem in isostasy . Geophysical Journal International 179(3), 1527–1536. Sjöberg L., E. e Bagherbandi M.; 2011: A method of estimating the Moho density contrast with a tentative application by EGM08 and CRUST2.0 . Acta Geophysica, 59, 502–525. Strang van Hees G., L.; 2000: Some elementary relations between mass distributions inside the Earth and the geoid and gravity field . Journal of Geodynamics, 29, 111–123. Sünkel H.; 1985: An isostatic Earth model . Report No. 367, Department of Geodetic Science and Surveying, The Ohio State University, Columbus. INTEGRATED GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATIONS IN GLACIAL ENVIRONMENT WITH SPECIAL ATTENTION TO IMAGE ANALYSIS A. Tonelli 1 , S. Castellaro 2 , F. Zandonai 1 , F. Finotti 1 1 Fondazione Museo Civico Rovereto, Rovereto, Italy 2 Università di Bologna, Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Bologna, Italy Introduction. On March and May 2012 a working group formed by Museo Civico di Rovereto Foundation, Dpt. of Civil, Environment and Mechanical Engineering Trento University, Meteotrentino of Provincia di Trento, Physics Dpt. Bologna University, carried out a series of tests in a periglacial and glacial environment. The team performed direct and indirect measurements, both on snow trench faces and on subsoil section (snow, ice, rock) in the snow-covered area of Passo Paradiso (Monticello Lake and Presena weather station) on the Presena Glacier (Fig. 1). Meteotrentino ( functional center for civil protection ) monitors, in several Trentino mountain sites, the state of the snow against the risk of avalanches. Driven by Meteotrentino various geophysical methods have been applied and tested to give a complementary support to the classical nivological direct survey. Aim of the experimental campaign is the setting up of a reliable, rapid way (accounting also for a multitemporal approach), to characterize snow and subsoil. Complementary geophysical methods, such as remote sensing, geoelectrical and seismic prospecting, suitable for applications in extreme environments, have been chosen to study the complex system given by snow, water, ice and “soil”, in terms of seismic and electrical impedance, and snow - light interaction (temperature, reflectance and polarization). The seismic and electrical prospecting involved a cross section of Lake Monticello (covered by snow), while thermal imaging and photometry interested two fresh snow walls modeled in trenches. The following section shows, in a schematic way, the characteristics and parameters of geophysical measurement, the field observations with the problems arisen and finally the results. The geophysical data were then correlated and compared with the results of data available about the local morphometry and, for the snow trenches, direct observations and sampling conducted by Meteotrentino and the Hydrogeology group of the Trento University. Fig. 1 – The test site on the Presena Glacier. Panoramic view and on the right an aerial image. 212 GNGTS 2013 S essione 3.3