GNGTS 2013 - Atti del 32° Convegno Nazionale

Fig. 2 – Photograph of the snow wall. Top: facing north showing the reference woody nails arranged to have reference points for the thermal pictures acquired immediately after the excavation of the trench. Follows the mosaic of thermograms (note the woody nails and the meter which were previously heated by the hands of the operator). The vertical radiant temperature profile shows a variation around the depth of 45 cm as a consequence of “greenhouse effect”. On the right the trend of light polarization (from the surveys of March 8th 2012). Bottom: facing south showing the reference woody nails arranged to have reference points for the thermal pictures acquired immediately after the excavation of the trench. Middle: reflectance profiles in the near infrared interval (IRF), red (R), green (V) and blue (B). Right: trend of light polarization (within red interval) and temperature profile coded in colours (from the surveys of May 24th 2012). 214 GNGTS 2013 S essione 3.3