GNGTS 2013 - Atti del 32° Convegno Nazionale
and Aegean back-arcs are likely to account for the retreat of the deep mantle slabs and must therefore contribute to the decoupling operating close to the Moho. The decoupling of the crust is confirmed by the thrust-top pull-apart basins currently developing above the back-stop of the Hellenic Arc (Wardell et al. , 2013; Barison and Nicolich, 2013). The combined utilization of morphological analysis plus high resolution and deep penetration multichannel seismic jointly with OBS for wide-angle recordings and part of a permanent network of seismological station in connection with on land positioned recording points, is the optimum solution for the lithosphere exploration in subduction or collision zones. A first project was Etnaseis with marine and land synchronized operations (Laiglè et al. , 2000). The SeaHellarc project followed these ideas studying the western continental margin of Peloponnesus. Thales project investigated the Lesser Antilles with European and French funding (Laiglè et al. , 2013). This area was the target of a complete set of active and passive offshore seismic experiment: multichannel reflection seismic with air gun source organized in the Single Bubble mode, OBS WAR/R seismic profiles, OBS and land permanent seismological stations for earthquakes location, receiver functions analysis imaging the slab top and the LVL. The objective were the geometries of interplate boundary zone constrained from the subduction deformation front and the possible generation of mega-thrust earthquakes. References Accaino F., Nicolich R. and Tinivella U.; 2006: Highlighting the crustal structure of the Tuscan Geothermal Province . Boll. di Geof. teor. ed appl., 47 , 3, 425-445. Ansorge L., Blundell D. and Mueller St.; 1992: Europe’s Lithosphere-Seismic Structure. In: Blundell D., Freeman R. and Mueller St. (eds.) A Continent Revealed, The European Geotraverse. 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In: Roure F et al. (eds.) Deep Structure of the Alps. Soc. Geol. de France, de Suisse, Ital., vol. spec. 1 : 65-76. Di Stefano R., Kissling E., Chiarabba C., Amato A. and Giardini D.; 2000: Shallow subduction beneath Italy: three- dimensional images of the Adriatic-European-Tyrrhenian lithosphere system based on high-quality P wave arrival times . JGR, 114 , B05305, doi: 1029/2008JB005641. Giese P., Wigger P., Morelli C. and Nicolich R.; 1981: Seismische Studien zur Bestimmung der Krustenstruktur im Bereich der geothermischen Anomalie der Toskana . EUR 7578, de MF: pp 1-108. Giustiniani M., Nicolich R.and Tinivella U.; 2013: The seismic image of the upper crust of the Tuscan geothermal province from CROP profiles. Proceedings of Geoitalia 2013 - Session 12, Pisa. Ismail Zadeh A.T., Nicolich R. and Cernobori, L.; 1998: Modelling of geodynamic evolution of the Ionian Sea basin. Computational Seismology and Geodynamic, 30 , 32-50. Kummerow J. et al. ; 2004: A natural and controlled source seismic profile through the Eastern Alps: TRANSALP . Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 225 ,115-129. Laiglè M., Hirn A., Sapin M., Bécel A., Charvis P., Flueh E., Diaz J., Lebrun J.-F., Gesret A., Raffaele R., Galvé A., Evain M., Ruiz M., Kopp H., Bayrakci G., Weinzierl W., Hello Y., J.-C. Lèpine, Viodé J.-P., Sachpazi M., Gallart J., Kissling E. and Nicolich R.; 2013: Seismic structure and activity of the north-central Lesser Antilles subduction zone from an integrated approach: Similarities with the Tohoku forearc . Tectonophysics, 603 , 1-20. Laiglè M., Hirn A., Sapin M., Lepine J.-C., Diaz J., Gallart J. and Nicolich R.; 2000: Mt Etna dense-array local earthquake P and S tomography and implications for volcanic plumbing . J. of Geophys. Res., B9, Solid Earth and Planets, 105 , 21.633-21.646. Lippitsch R., Kissling E. and Ansorge J.; 2003: Upper mantle structure beneath the Alpine orogen from high-resolution teleseismic tomography . J. Geophys. Res., 108, B8, 2376, ESE 5, 1-15. Locardi E. and Nicolich R.; 2005: Crust-Mantle structures and Neogene-Quaternary magmatism in Italy. Boll. Geof. teor. appl., 46 , 2-3, 169-180. XVIII GNGTS 2013 L ectio M agistralis
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