GNGTS 2013 - Atti del 32° Convegno Nazionale

waveforms parameters. Each group can be explored specifying search key fields: 11 for the scenarios, 13 for the stations, and 10 for the synthetic waveforms. The first group ( scenarios ) manages the information flow regarding the input parameters used for the ground motion simulations (seismogenic source, magnitude, hypocentral location, crustal velocity model, rupture velocity, slip distribution, etc.). As the primary key field (Fig. 1) we introduce an univocal alphanumerical code (e.g. ID = SY-2012-000101) composed of 3 parts specifying : a) recorded earthquakes (EQ) or scenario-events (SY); b) year of simulation (2012); c) simulation counter (000101). From the list of outcomes the user can access the scenario details, where all the simulation input parameters, together with related references, can be retrieved (Fig. 1). Epicentre, sites and seismogenic sources are mapped through the Google-Map data©, together with the simulated PGA values (cm/s) (Fig. 1). Detailed information on the synthetic accelerograms (station, magnitude, fault distance, ground motion parameter, frequency range, etc.) are identifiable either by a waveforms list or through Google-Map (Fig. 1). The waveforms that satisfy the required conditions can be displayed with the aid of a Java applet. It allows the user to perform simple operations like zoom in/out, modify display options (axis labels, axis limits, background and foreground color, etc.) and plot saving or printing (Fig. 1). The second group ( stations ) controls the information related to the sites at which the ground motion simulations is performed (location, geomorphologic and geotechnical features). The simulations can be associated with different virtual grids or at existing accelerometric stations. Fig. 1 – Schematic representation of geographic selection of the EW component of the ground motion simulated by HIC code in the case of the Irpinia scenario-event SY-2012-000101 for a virtual receiver (S004, located ~40 km north of the fixed epicentre). The frame of the scenario details reports the main scenario parameters together with their bibliographic reference. The PGA (cm/s) distribution at each receiver is represented on a Google-Map©inset. The seismogenic source box and the simulated epicenter location are also reported. Each receiver can be selected in order to export or display the simulated waveform. 41 GNGTS 2013 S essione 2.1