GNGTS 2013 - Atti del 32° Convegno Nazionale

References Compagnoni, R.; Sandrone, R. Lineamenti geo-petrografici delle Alpi Cozie Italiane tra la Val di Susa e la Val Po , Federazione Piemontese di Mineralogia e Paleontologia, Torino, 1981. Viotto, A. Realization of a ground electrical current monitoring in Piedmont in 2010, following the circuital scheme proposed by the geologist Dr. Kurt Dietric, at Fidani, C.; Albarello, D.; Arcaleni, M.; Martinelli, G.; Siciliani, P. M.; Tardioli, S.; Vannucchi, A. Emilia earthquake: VLF transmitters and ELF signal from the Central Italy Electromagnetic Network (CIEN). In Atti del 31 GNGTS , November 20-22, 2012, Potenza, pp. 415-420. De Liso, G.; Lattarulo, F.; Viotto, A. Piezonuclearità, piezoelettricità e piezomagnetismo delle rocce di gneiss e caratterizzazione territoriale della fenomenologia sismica nel Piemonte occidentale, nuove prospettive di studi, In Atti del 30° Convegno Nazionale GNGTS , 14-17/11, 2011, Trieste, pp. 603-604. Rikitake, T. Earthquake prediction, Earth Sci. rev. , 4, 1968, pp. 245-282. Rikitake, T. Previsione dei terremoti , Dario Flaccovio Ed., 1987, pp. 9-17. Fidani, C. The Central Italy Electromagnetic Network and the 2009 L’Aquila earthquake: observed electric activity, geosciences , 1, 2011, pp. 3-25. Viotto, A. Realised the mechanical variations on vertical axis which are recorded in µV by an iron-core inductor, only seismic tremors are recorded on vertical axis (2011). Fidani, C. Biological anomalies before the 2009 L’Aquila earthquake, animals , 2013, 3, 693-721. Tributsch, H. When the Snakes Awake: Animals and Earthquake Prediction ; MIT Press: Cambridge, MA, USA, 1982. De Liso, G., Caratterizzazione del territorio nell’individuazione dei precursori sismici locali nel Piemonte Occidentale, Atti del 29° Convegno Nazionale GNGTS , October 28-30, 2010, Prato, pp. 208-211. Rikitake, T.; Biosystem behaviour as an earthquake precursor, Tectonophysics , 51, 1978, pp. 1-20. Rikitake, T.; Earthquake prediction work in Sichuan Province, China, with special reference to the Songpan-Pingwu earthquakes, Chinese Geophys., Am. Geophys. Un. , 2, 1982, pp. 139-156. Rikitake, T. Prediction and Precursors of Major Earthquakes, Terra Scientific Publishing Company: Tokyo, Japan, 2003. Dobrovolsky, I.P.; Zubkov, S.I.; Miachkin, V.I. Estimation of the size of earthquake preparation zones. Pure Appl. Geophys., 117, 1979, pp. 1025-1044. Weibull, W.; A statistical distribution function of large applicability, J. Appl. Mech.-Trans. ASME , 18 (3), 1951, pp. 293- 297. Electromagnetic perturbations associated with M = 5, July 21, 2013, Ancona, Italy earthquake observed by CIEN P. M. Siciliani 1 , C. Fidani 1,2 , F. Stoppa 3 , G. Iezzi 3 , M. Arcaleni 1 , S. Tardioli 1 , D. Marcelli 2 1 Osservatorio Sismico “A. Bina”, Perugia, Italy 2 Central Italy Electromagnetic Network, San Procolo, Italy 3 Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, U.d’A., Chieti, Italy Introduction. Two new CIEN stations have been recently installed in the Umbria Region: in Avigliano Umbro and Città di Castello. These two new stations have same features as the nine preexisting stations. So, currently there are 11 stations continuously recording electric fields, see Fig. 1. The two new stations had already been activated by July 21, 2013, when a strong earthquake, M w = 5, struck in the Adriatic Sea a few kilometers from the shore under Monte Conero near the city of Ancona. The monitored electric signals ranged from ELF (4 Hz – 1 kHz) to LF (25 kHz – 100 kHz) bands (Fidani, 2011). Three stations were not recording at that time: Siena, Città di Castello and Capitignano. According to reports received by EMSC, the main shock occurred at 01:32 UTC (local time Sunday, July 21, 2013 at 03:32) and lasted for 10-20 seconds. The depth of the shock was reported as 5 km, near the villages of Numana and Sirolo, Ancona Province. No damage or injury was reported. Two probable macro anomalies were collected from the population. One earthquake light (Fidani, 2010) was observed hours before the shock by two witnesses. It was reported as a ball of light positioned toward the south, at about 00:00-00:30 LT 21 July 2013. That morning, the witnesses were traveling by car from the south of Ancona towards Loreto along the highway when they saw a light from behind a hill in the west. It was bigger than a 66 GNGTS 2013 S essione 2.1