GNGTS 2013 - Atti del 32° Convegno Nazionale

Tab. 1 describes the type of data received: radon in soil, in water or in the air, and if it is a numerical data or only a bibliographical data. Every ARPA of the national territory were contacted even if their data acquired are mainly constituted by indoor radon measurements. In some cases, single institution was related to data from several sites. The institutions contacted were 41, only 27 responded, and of these, 15 sent numerical data, 6 sent references, and the remainder said they did not have useful data for the purposes of the project, or not to be available to their inclusion in the database Following the directives, given by the Information Technology Group, the Metadata Form has been compiled and according to this, all data received have been reformatted. A georeferenced database was built and, so far, consists of 3961 sites and more than one million records of radon data. Fig. 2 shows the structure of the database. Fig. 1 – Map of the spatial distribution of sites with radon measurements. Fig. 2 – Block Diagram of the geodatabase. 126 GNGTS 2013 S essione 2.1