GNGTS 2013 - Atti del 32° Convegno Nazionale

Analysis of the data. The third product of this project is the identification of the Real Anomalies and the definition of Theoretical Anomalies type. The longer time series were analyzed with the aim of identifying anomalies a posteriori. Real Anomaly means the Anomaly, characterized by amplitude, duration, and precursor time with respect to the earthquake associated. We will call “Theoretical Anomaly” that obtained for a hypothetical earthquake of a given magnitude and epicenter at a given distance from the monitored site. This is the deliverable required for an objective evaluation of the anomalies themselves. The data can be grouped into two main categories: 1. measurements of radon in soil and in water (continuous and sampled) 2. measurements of indoor radon Unfortunately, the second task of the project took a long time living only a little time to the last phase, which is the most challenging in terms of interpretation and conclusion. Comparing the tight time to the amount of data, priority was given to the analysis of those relating to measures of radon in continuous and, among these, those consisting of longer time series and with overlapping periods between them. Tab. 2 – Real Anomalies. Anomaly Data Duration Amplitude Real Magnitude > 3,0 Precursor Time Distance Comments 14-11-2002/ 18-11-2002 5 dd 78,43% 3,3 + (3,3+3,7) 4 months < 20 Since January 2003, data have several breaks 30-06-2003/ 10-07-2003 10 dd 42,94% 3,7 61 dd < 30 24-12-2003/02-07-2004 6 months +8dd 755,50% 5,1 + 5,1 6,5 months +10dd / 11 months < 250 24-08-2004/25-08-2004 1 d 25,90% 3,3 + 3,8 5 dd < 30 04-02-2005/04-03-2005 1 months 195% 3,3 1 month + 19dd < 40 2-07-2005/13-07-2005 11 dd 64,72% 3,4 5 months + 10dd < 35 11-08-2006/ 31-03-2009 2 year + 7 months 328,39% 5,9 2 years + 7months + 26 dd < 500 Anomaly long period 17-02-2007/18-02-2007 2 dd 201,46% 3,9 + 3,7 9 dd < 50 Anomaly within that long period 16-02-2008/ 18-02-2008 3 dd 129,03% 3,7 13 dd < 25 Anomaly within that long period 15-07-2008/ 17-07-2008 2 dd 167% 5,5 5 months+8 dd < 350 Anomaly within that long period 11-03-2011/18-03-2011 7 dd 299% 3,1 + 5,0 4 months+ 6 dd < 350 recalculated 7-09-2011/ 07-09-2011 1 dd 182% 4,4 1 month+22 dd < 350 15-05-2012/16-05-2012 2 dd 167,55% 5,9 5 dd < 250 missing data before 15 May 14-01-2013/20-01-2013 6 dd 493% 4,8 11dd < 400 11-02-2013/13-02-2013 3 dd 684% 3,8 1g (cosismica) < 40 24-02-2013/25-02-2013 2 dd 321% ? ? 18-03-2013/19-03-2013 2 dd 40% ? ? 127 GNGTS 2013 S essione 2.1