GNGTS 2013 - Atti del 32° Convegno Nazionale

the considered July-2012/June 2013 testing period. Reliability Analysis Southern Apennines Po Plain Total Number of TIR anomaly sequences detected 3 1 4 Corresponding to EQ 2 (67%) 1 (100%) 3 (75%) NON Corresponding to EQ 1 (33%) 0 (0%) 1 (25%) Sensitivity Analysis Number of seismic sequences (M≥4) 3 3 6 Associated to significant TIR anomalies 3 (100%) 1 4 (67%) NON Associated to significant TIR anomalies 0 (0%) 2 2 (33%) Conclusions. Even though based on a very short period of time and only on two testing areas, results achieved seems to confirm (and strongly extend) results already achieved by independent, 3 years long, studies funded by the German Space Agency (DLR: Halle et al. , 2008) and by NASA (together with USGS and University of South California, Eneva et al. , 2008) which successfully applied the same method (RST approach and RETIRA index) on longer data sets, to different satellite sensors, different geographic areas and tectonic setting in Europe and in Asia (details on these studies are given in the already quoted INGV-S3 UR8 first report available at ). Results seems moreover confirm the ones achieved during the 2 years long EU-FP7 project PRE- EARTHQUAKES ( where the considered techniques played a major role (trough the integration with several independent observations) for demonstrating, in different geographic area of the world, the potential of an improved system of time-dependent seismic hazard assessment. Fig. 3 – TIR anomalies before the Pollino earthquake (25/Oct/2012 Ml 5.0). 151 GNGTS 2013 S essione 2.1