GNGTS 2013 - Atti del 32° Convegno Nazionale
area, including significant events of the 2012 Emilia and 2013 Lunigiana sequences. The entire dataset of continuous waveforms has been made available on the OGS web based OASIS Database, from the earliest stages of the project. For the largest events strong-motion parameters were calculated and published on the OASIS database. Event time series and metadata (site monographs) are available similarly to the ITACA Database. OGS temporary network. The OGS temporary network (Fig. 1), consisting in eight stations equipped with velocimetric and accelerometric sensors, was deployed on May 21, 2012. A ninth site was set up one month later, on June 25, 2012, as a replacement for a no- longer-available site (OG003). Recording stopped for all stations on July 25, 2012. Since February 2013, four sites of the previous network have been occupied again with the same configuration of 2012 to extend the observation, and a new seismic station is acquiring data at the Casaglia site, which surface sensor integrates the Very Broad-Band station installed in a 135 m deep borehole. Stations were installed in the building basement or in the free field. Two sites were set up east of Ferrara: OG001 in the new city hospital at Cona and OG007 in Aguscello village. Site OG002 in the Ferrara municipality, in front of the chemical-industry district. OG003 and OG009 were set up near sites with moderate and strong liquefaction phenomena in the towns of Sant’Agostino and San Carlo. OG005, OG006, and OG008 were set up in the towns of Poggio Renatico, Vigarano Pieve, and Mirabello, which suffered damage that was moderate, but more severe than neighbouring villages according to the macroseismic survey (Tertulliani et al. , 2012). OG004 was deployed in Ficarolo village, north of the seismic sequence events. Site OG012, installed during the 2013, is very close to OG002, but it was not set exactly in the same place. More information on the temporary network can be found in the OGS Archive System of Instrumental Seismology (OASIS; ) under network code ZR; for each site, monographs giving a geological and geotechnical description of the recording site are available. Fig. 2 – Comparison between the GIT (blue), RSSR (pink), EHV (bold black) and NHV (thin black) methods, for sites OG006, OG007, OG008 and OG010. Reference site is Casaglia borehole station (FERB). 180 GNGTS 2013 S essione 2.2
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