GNGTS 2013 - Atti del 32° Convegno Nazionale
this is limited to a few media and to some issues. Of course, the two-way communication needs that also on the public side there is capacity of listening and will to participate to the process. After the last couple of years, our feeling is that all the INGVterremoti media had a good success (in some cases extremely good) in terms of number of people involved, followers grow rate, and degree of acceptance in the public. We have verified that during important seismic sequences all our followers increase, and when the crisis is over they remain connected with us. This is the case of the Po Plain earthquakes in 2012 (Fig. 2) when we could see that the search for information immediately after an earthquake leads people to the most “popular” source, that often it is not the most authoritative (Comunello et al. , 2013) if the Institution in charge is not present or well known. This happened on twitter after the main shock of May 20, when our channel had only few followers in the region. However, after a few days when the second strong shock hit (May 29) INGVterremoti was the first and most popular source. Similar considerations can probably be made for the other social INGVterremoti media that release more complex information. Since 2012, we have been working for increasing the interconnection between our different social media, sharing contents and including them in a common web page on earthquakes ( . This gives a larger resonance to the whole platform, and at the same time it will be easier for the public to follow news and updates in a clear way. We are planning to open a more direct (two-way) channel with the public (it is already open on FB and youtube), in order to be more effective in our communication strategy. Finally, a specific effort we are making is to disseminate more rapid information after an earthquake, distributing data from automatic locations and magnitudes (under some criteria and with a necessary preparation phase). A test is in progress since last July that involves INGV researchers and Civil Protection officers. References AA. VV. (2012) Sintesi dei lavori del Workshop EDURISK 2002 - 2011: 10 anni di progetti di educazione al rischio - Roma, 30 Novembre 2011, a cura di Vera Pessina e Romano Camassi, Miscellanea INGV n.13, 2012. AA.VV . (2013) Scientists raise alarm as Italian Government rules on unproven stem cell therapy Amato, A., L. Arcoraci, E. Casarotti, R. Di Stefano, the INGVterremoti team (2012). The INGVterremoti channel on YouTube. Annals of Geophysics, 55 (3), 403-408; doi:10.4401/ag5546. Amato, A., M. Cocco, G. Cultrera, F. Galadini, L. Margheriti, W. Marzocchi, C. Nostro, D. Pantosti (2013). The impact of the L’Aquila trial on the scientific community, presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Seismological Society of America, Salt Lake City, USA. Anzidei, M., A. Maramai, P. Montone (editors) (2012). The Emilia (northern Italy) seismic sequence of May-June, 2012: preliminary data and results. Special Volume, 55, No 4. Bruns, A., J. Burgess, K. Crawford and F. Shaw (2012). #qldfloods and @QPSMedia: Crisis communication on Twitter in the 2011 south-east Queensland floods, Brisbane, ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation; Comunello, F., E. Casarotti, V. Lauciani, L. Parisi. Social media and natural disasters: mapping information spread and influence dynamics during the Emilia 2012 earthquake, presentation at the ESA 2013, Torino (Crisis, Critique and Change). Crescimbene, M., F. La Longa, T. Lanza (2012). The science of rumors, Annals of Geophysics, 55 (3), 421-425; doi:10.4401/ ag-5538. Earle, P.S., D.C. Bowden, M. Guy (2011). Twitter earthquake detection: earthquake monitoring in a social world, Annals of Geophysics, 54 (6), 708-715; doi:10.4401/ag-5364. Nostro, C., A. Amato, G. Cultrera, L. Margheriti, G. Selvaggi, L. Arcoraci, E. Casarotti, R. Di Stefano, S. Cerrato, the May 11 Team (2012). Turning the rumor of the May 11, 2011, earthquake prediction in Rome, Italy, into an information day on earthquake hazard, Annals of Geophysics, 55 (3), 413-420; doi:10.4401/ag5559. Pignone M., Nostro C., Amato A., Casarotti E., Piromallo C. (2012) The INGVterremoti blog: a new communication tool to improve earthquake information during the seismic sequence in the Po Plain, Annals of Geophysics, Vol. 55, No 4, pp. 837- 842, doi: 10.4401/ag-6179. 348 GNGTS 2013 S essione 2.3
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