GNGTS 2013 - Atti del 32° Convegno Nazionale

Bibliografia A.A.V.V. (2000). Censimento di vulnerabilità a campione dell’edilizia corrente dei Centri abitati, nelle regioni Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Molise, Puglia e Sicilia.Volume I Relazione Generale . Albarello D., Mucciarelli M.; 2002: Seismic hazard estimates using ill-defined macroseismic data at site. Pure App. Geophys., 159,1289-1304. Commissione tecnica per la microzonazione sismica (2012). Analisi della Condizione Limite di Emergenza, CLE. Standard do Rappresentazione e archiviazione informatica . Versione 1.0, Roma, Gigno 2012. . it/resources/cms/documents/SpecificheCLEv1_0_reduced.pdf D’Amico V., Albarello D.; 2008: SASHA: A computer program to assess seismic hazard from intensity data. Seismol. Res. Lett.,79, 663-671. DCDPC 1755 27/04/2012. Attuazione dell’art.11 del decreto legge 28/04 2009 n.39 convertito con modificazioni, dalla legge 24/06 2009 n.77. Approvazione modulistica per l’Analisi della Condizione Limite per l’Emergenza (CLE) dell’insediamento urbano di cui all’art.18 dell’ OPCM 29/02//2012 n.4007. Di Pasquale G., Orsini G. and Romeo R.; 2000: Sensitivity analysis in seismic risk assessment. Proceedings of the 6th international conference on seismic zonation, Palm Springs, CA. Dijkstra, E. W. “A Note on Two Problems in Connection with Graphs.” Numerische Math. 1, 269-271, 1959.Dolce M., Marino M., Masi A., Vona M. (2000). Seismic Vulnerability Analysis and Damage Scenarios of Potenza Town, International Workshop on Seismic Risk and Earthquake Damage Scenarios of Potenza, Potenza. Dolce M., Di Pasquale G., Speranza E., Fumagalli F., (2012). A multipurpose method for seismic vulnerability assessment of urban areas. In 15 World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Lisboa. Grunthal G. (1998). European Macroseismic Scale 1998. Cahiers du Centre Europ. de Géodyn. et de Séismologie, vol 15: 1- 99. ICMS (2008). Gruppo di lavoro MS. Indirizzi e criteri per la micro zonazione sismica. Conferenza delle Regioni e delle Province Autonome – Dipartimento della Protezione Civile. wp?contentId=PUB1137. The February 16th earthquake sequence in Central Italy, a tool for improving microzonation results in the municipality of Arpino D. Famiani 1-3 , M. Manuel 2 , G. Milana 3 1 DISTAV – Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, dell’Ambiente e della Vita, Università degli Studi di Genova, Italy 2 Geotecnica e geognostica SRL, Frosinone, Italy 3 Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, INGV, Rome, Italy Introduction. Microzonation studies, (hereinafter MS) are widely recognized as a useful tool to investigate the variation of earthquake-induced ground shacking as a function of the geological and geotechnical characteristics of the shallow soil layers. Moreover the results of MS can be used as an instrument for urban planning. Even though already performed after seismic events in Italy both at local scale as for the 1976 Friuli event and a regional scale, as for the Umbria-Marche event of September 1997, MS studies become a standard procedure in Italy following the L’Aquila (Mw 6.3) event of April 2009 and now they are required in the areas most prone to high level of seismicity. The MS is regulated by the guidelines promoted by the Civil Defence Department (DPC) since 2008 (Gruppo di lavoro MS, 2008) and contemplates studies at three different stages of detail the simplest one being indicated as MS of level 1 (hereinafter MS1). In MS the use of recorded seismic events, either strong and weak motion types, is indicated as a useful tool for evaluating the seismic response of a site. Moreover the analysis of the recorded seismicity can be used to verify and confirm the amplification factors found using numerical modelling of seismic response as required by MS guidelines. This kind of data can be easily collected after a major seismic event or during a seismic sequence and/or in areas where the background seismicity rate is quite high. Unfortunately in many cases real seismic data are not used in MS due to the difficulties of recording seismic event in a short time in many region of the country. This is particularly true for MS1 that only implies the collection of existent information about the geological and geotechnical conditions of the investigated 389 GNGTS 2013 S essione 2.3