GNGTS 2013 - Atti del 32° Convegno Nazionale

From 9 November 2012 we started a continuous data acquisition by installing at each floor of the building a triaxial GeoSIG accelerometer along the vertical indicated in Fig. 1 (station G5 at the ground floor, station G4 at the first floor, and station G3 at the second floor that substituted the ETNA accelerometer), allowing us to record all the events in the sequence. This second kind of accelerometers is a project developed by the Geological Survey of Canada (Rosenberg et al. , 2004) based on a low cost three-components, i.e. solid state micro electro mechanical (MEMS) strong motion sensors. The accelerometer was then manufactured and distributed by GeoSIG Ltd. Fig. 2 – Acceleration response spectra evaluated for 6 foreshocks, the main event, and 7 aftershocks along (left) the transversal and (right) the longitudinal directions with respect to the main axes of the structure. 443 GNGTS 2013 S essione 2.3