GNGTS 2013 - Atti del 32° Convegno Nazionale

Piovono idee! (Cloudy with a Chance of ideas!) is an active learning experience to promote preparedness towards floods threat and climate change. It was designed after the flood that stroke Lunigiana and the La Spezia surrounding on October 25 th 2011. The ERiNat project : an education on Natural Risk experience. The ERiNat project started during academic year 2004/2005 as an educational experiment targeted to last year of lower secondary schools students and went on for 10 years. Although born dealing with seismic risk mitigation, it included on the way, hydrogeological and forest fires risk. The actions can be grouped into: classroom lectures, evacuation drills at school, a competition and summer campuses. The ERiNat project is promoted by the Land Protection Sector of La Spezia’s Civil Protection Service and it is developed with the Regional Education Office for Liguria Office V - Territorial Sector of La Spezia and the Prefect’s Office of La Spezia. The INGV (Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia) of Portovenere, manages the organization and realization of the project (Piangiamore et al. , 2012). Lectures in classrooms are an interactive learning opportunity to approach seismic and hydrogeological risk, safety good practice and forest fires from a geological perspective while highlighting the urge to know what to do in case of an emergency. They have been held directly by experts in each field: a scientist, a representative of State Forest Rangers Corps and a representative of the Fire Brigade. Since expectation by everybody grew over time, the on going actions involve the whole Province of La Spezia and give an overview of the natural hazards in the local environment. Educational material is handed out to students during non-formal lectures to allow reinforce the work done with the experts: teachers will go over the topics, peer groups will discuss some of the issues, while at home parents will also get involved in the educational chain-reaction. Evacuation drills at school are carried out under control of firefighters and civil protection volunteers reporting to school officials and to the municipalities the improvements and changes needed to improve school safety. ERiNat is one of the most significant initiatives of the project developed by the Province of La Spezia Piano di attuazione e miglioramento in itinere di un processo formativo nell’ambito della prevenzione dei rischi naturali ( Implementation plan and ongoing improvement of an educational process on natural risk prevention) . It won an award in the competition Premiamo i risultati (We reward results) promoted by the Ministry of Public Administration and Innovation (Rome, 17 May 2010, ForumPA conference) (Piangiamore et al. , 2012). The success of the project went so far that we could even manage actions towards formal education: natural hazards education was included within the local schools’ POF (Piano dell’Offerta Formativa) to ensure that not just science, but every teacher may be involved in the initiatives. To boost up interest we set up a competition that since 2009 encouraged in-depth study on the following subjects: • Whats, wheres and hows about earthquakes; • Learn adequate behaviors in case of earthquakes; • Become a little firefighter and Civil Protection volunteer for you and your families; • Prevent forest fires: a destructive phenomenon for the environment and a danger for persons and things; • Learn how to report a fire and what to do if a fire threatens you closely; • Study landslides and floods for prevention and safety. The competition prices the best text, poster or presentation and is intended to seek collaboration among teachers on issues revolving around natural hazards: students will be guided to properly approach the problem by science teachers, will explore the text, the drawings and the graphic layout with the language and art teachers. In this way, teachers firstly reluctant 447 GNGTS 2013 S essione 2.3