GNGTS 2013 - Atti del 32° Convegno Nazionale

to listen, could approach security and become part of the process to disseminate the culture of risk. The Provincial Civil Protection Service of La Spezia rewarded every year the schools of the three winning classes with teaching material and equipment (€ 1200, 800 and 500 for the first, second and third classified, respectively). Students from the three winning classes took part of a guided tour by the Forest Rangers Corps, GEV (Voluntary Ecological Guards) and volunteers from the Civil Protection Service of the Province of La Spezia by means of transport kindly provided by the Navy. It is worth notice that the 2012 ERiNat competition guided walking tour was on the areas hit by the October 25 th 2011 flood to raise children awareness on the flood environmental impact (Fig. 1). The fifth edition of the ERiNat competition has almost doubled the prizes respect of the previous editions thanks to the financing of I laboratori della cittadinanza condivisa e partecipata - IV annualità (The laboratories of shared and participatory citizenship - IV year) project. The summer campuses Anch’io sono la Protezione civile (I am the Civil Protection too) Since 2011 the free summer campuses I am the Civil Protection too concluded and completed the ERiNat course in the month of July. The program derives from a national project of the Civil Protection Department and it is managed by the Province of La Spezia, the Provincial Coordination of Civil Protection Associations and the GEV. The campuses represent a continuity of the ERiNat project. Access to campuses is allowed through a public call and provides priority to students who took part in the ERiNat course project as a reward to their commitment. Fig. 1 – EriNat project: the winners of the 2012 EriNat contest (top); a guided tour from Rocchetta to Brugnato (bottom left); the winners of the 2010 contest in the wind farm of the Cappelletta Pass on Monte Gottero (bottom right). 448 GNGTS 2013 S essione 2.3