GNGTS 2013 - Atti del 32° Convegno Nazionale
sessione 3.2 - Metodi elettro-magnetici e gravimetrici 81 Imaging automatico di campi di potenziale M.A. Abbas e M. Fedi 83 Integrated marine magnetics of the Naples Bay – from old to new data: examples from Naples and Pozzuoli Gulfs (Southern Italy) G. Aiello, E. Marsella 86 Time Lapse 3D Electrical tomography for soil-plant dynamics interactions J. Boaga, M. Rossi, G. Cassiani 91 APPLICATION OF ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY TOMOGRAPHIES FOR THE GEOELECTRIC CHARACTERIZATION OF MONTAGUTO LANDSLIDE (Southern Italy) G. Calamita, A. Perrone, J. Bellanova, A. Giocoli, V. Lapenna, R. Luongo, S. Piscitelli 97 Dynamic control of historical buildings through interferometric radar technique: an useful approach for Structural Health Monitoring on earthquake damaged structures S. V. Calcina, L. Piroddi, G. Ranieri 101 NEW DATA ABOUT THE SINKHOLE HAZARD AT CASALABATE (LECCE PROVINCE) M. Delle Rose, L. De Giorgi, G. Leucci 107 A new methodology to estimate the EM velocity from Common Offset GPR: theory and application on synthetic and real data M. Dossi, E. Forte, M. Pipan, R.R. Colucci . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 THE ROLE OF THE IMPEDIVITY IN THE MAGNETOTELLURIC RESPONSE OF 1D AND 2D STRUCTURES R. Esposito, M.G. Di Giuseppe, A. Troiano, D. Patella, R.M. Castelo Branco 118 Laboratory scale electrical resistivity measurements to monitor the heat propagation within porous media for low enthalpy geothermal applications N. Giordano, L. Firmbach, C. Comina, P. Dietrich, G. Mandrone, T. Vienken 122 Indagine Georadar all’interno della Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore di Ispica (Sicilia) S. Imposa, S. Grassi 129 Portable low-cost measurement system development for Self-Potential (SP) monitoring in severe environmental conditions M. Masi, V. Pazzi 138 Accurate evaluation of edges and dip of faults and contacts through the Volume Upward Continuation (VUC) of gravity data D. Mastellone, M. Fedi, V. Paoletti 144 Misure curlometriche nei fondali marini P. Palangio, C. Carmisciano, C. Di Lorenzo, M. Pietrolungo 151 Electrical Resistivity Tomography surveys to investigate the Ivanchic landslide (Assisi, Umbria region, Italy) A. Perrone, J. Bellanova, G. Calamita, F. Ardizzone, S. Piscitelli 155 PROSPEZIONI GPR AD ALTA RISOLUZIONE IN AMBIENTE URBANO: IL CASO DI P.ZZA DELLE CARCERI A PRATO S. Piro, C. Marcotulli, D. Zamuner, G. Vannini 159 Regional modeling of the geomagnetic field in Europe using satellite and ground data: geological applications E. Qamili, F.J. Pavón-Carrasco, A. De Santis, M. Fedi, M. Milano 164 A PRELIMINARY TEST ON THE FEASIBILITY OF LOCATING AN IRON RESTORATION PIN IN A STATUE BY MEASURING THE TMF ANOMALY WITH A TRIAXIAL MEMS MAGNETOMETER L. Sambuelli, S. Gallinaro, M. Grosso 169 VIII GNGTS 2013 I ndice
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