GNGTS 2013 - Atti del 32° Convegno Nazionale
deposits intercalated in the upper part of the lowstand system tract, locally characterized by the occurrence of palaeo-channels. The TST unit is characterized by the occurrence of retrogradational seismic reflectors. It has been detected in the eastern Pozzuoli Gulf and is represented by the transgressive system tract of the Late Quaternary depositional sequence. The HST unit, characterized by progradational to parallel seismic reflectors, has been detected in the Eastern Pozzuoli Gulf and represents the highstand system tract of the Late Quaternary depositional sequence. References Aiello G., Marsella E. & Di Fiore V.; (2012): New seismo-stratigraphic and marine magnetic data of the Gulf of Pozzuoli (Naples Bay, Tyrrhenian sea, Italy). Marine Geophysical Research, 33 (2) , pp. 97-125. Aiello G., Marsella E. & Di Fiore V.; (2013): Dati sismostratigrafici e magnetici marini sul golfo di Pozzuoli (Tirreno meridionale): implicazioni sugli eventi tettonici e magmatici del complesso vulcanico dei Campi Flegrei (Campania). Miscellanea INGV, 19 , pp. 137-138. Aiello G., Barra D., Carlino S., De Natale G., De Vita S., Di Vito M.A., Isaia R., Marturano A., Molisso F., Mormone A., Piochi M., Sacchi M., Somma R., Troise C. and Wiersberg T.; (2013): I risultati preliminari della perforazione recente a Bagnoli (CFDDP): contributi per lo studio dell’evoluzione della linea di costa nell’area orientale della caldera dei Campi Flegrei. Miscellanea INGV, 19 : pp. 79-80. Bellucci F., Woo J., Kilburn R.J. and Rolandi G.; (2006): Ground deformation at Campi Flegrei, Italy: implications for hazard assessment. Geological Society of London Special Publication, 269: pp. 141-157. 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Mitchum J.R., Vail P.R. & Sangree J.B.; (1977): Stratigraphic interpretation of seismic reflection pattern in depositional sequences. In: Payton C.E. Seismic stratigraphy - Applications to hydrocarbon exploration. AAPG Mem. 26 : pp. 117-134. Morhange C., Marriner R., Laborel J., Todesco M. and Oberlin C.; (2005): Rapid sea-level movements and noneruptive crustal deformations in the Phlegrean Fields caldera, Italy. Geology, 34 (2) : pp. 93-96. Palladino D.M., Simei S., Sottili G. & Trigila R.; (2010): Integrated approach for the reconstruction of stratigraphy and geology of Quaternary volcanic terrains: an application to the Vulsini volcanoes (Central Italy). In: Groppelli G. and Goette L.V. (Eds.) Stratigraphy and geology of volcanic areas. GSA Special Papers, ISBN 97808137224645. Perrotta A., Scarpati C., Luongo G. and Morra V.; (2010): Stratigraphy and volcanological evolution of the southwestern sector of Campi Flegrei and Procida island. In: Groppelli G. and Goette L.V. (Eds.) Stratigraphy and geology of volcanic areas. GSA Special Papers, ISBN 97808137224645. Rosi M. and Sbrana A.; (1987): Phlegrean Fields. CNR, Quaderni De La Ricerca Scientifica, Roma, Italy. Rutgers W.R. and de Jong I.; (2003): Multi-tip sparker for the generation of acoustic pulses. Sensor Review, 23 (1): pp. 55-59. Tibaldi A.; (2010): A new geological map of Stromboli volcano (Tyrrhenian sea, Italy) based on the application of lithostratigraphic and unconformity bounded (UBSU) units. In: Groppelli G. and Goette L.V. (Eds.) Stratigraphy and geology of volcanic areas. GSA Special Papers, ISBN 97808137224645. Vail P.R., Mitchum R.M., Todd R.G., Widmier J.M., Thompson S., Sangree J.B. and Bubb J.N.; (1977): Seismic stratigraphy and global change of sea level. In: Payton C.E. (Ed.) Seismic stratigraphy - Applications to hydrocarbon exploration. AAPG Mem. 26 : pp. 49-116. 11 GNGTS 2013 S essione 3.1
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