GNGTS 2013 - Atti del 32° Convegno Nazionale
between the results provided by the two techniques, at least in the case at hand, is that they are strongly complementary and mutually explaining and validating. Therefore, since the two products can be obtained by means of the same basic equipment, better with some additional not very expensive equipment -such as higher frequency geophones for the reflection survey-, the conclusion could be that whenever possible and justified, both surveys should be executed. Acknowledgements. The work has been carried out with the financial support of the City of Cagliari. Special thanks are due to Dr. Mario Mossa, Dr. Maria Luisa Mulliri, Dr. Mauro Fanni, Dr. Roberto Follesa, and to the lab-technicians at DICAAR Mr. Gianni Andrea Uda, Mr. Maurizio Serci and Mr. Claudio Zara for their fundamental contribution in data acquisition. References Baker G. S., Steeples D. W., Schmeissner C. and Spikes K. T.; 2000: Collecting seismic-reflection data from depths shallower than three meters. Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems (SAGEEP 2000), EEGS publication, 1207-1214. Balia R. and Gavaudò E.; 2003: Seismic reflection imaging of an ultrashallow interface from a P-wave data set with a poor signal-to-noise ratio . Near Surface Geophysics, 1 , 183-191. Balia R., Gavaudò E., Ardau F. and Ghiglieri G.; 2003: Geophysical approach to the environmental study of a coastal plain . Geophysics, 68 , 1446-1459. Balia R., Gavaudò E. and Ghiglieri G.; 2001: Geophysical survey of a karst area - A case study from Sardinia, Italy . European Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, 6 , 167-180. Balia R. and Littarru B.; 2010: Geophysical experiments for the pre-reclamation assessment of industrial and municipal waste landfills . J. Geophys. Eng., 7 , 64-74. Barrocu G., Crespellani T. and Loi; 1981: Caratteristiche geologico-tecniche del sottosuolo dell’area urbana di Cagliari . Rivista italiana di Geotecnica, Anno XV , 2 , 98-144. Boschetti F., Dentith M. C. and List R. D.; 1996: Inversion of seismic refraction data using genetic algorithms . Geophysics, 61 , 1715-1727. Deidda G. P. and Balia R.; 2001: An ultrashallow SH-wave seismic reflection experiment on a subsurface ground model. Geophysics , 66 , 183-191. Ghose R., Nijhof V., Brouwer J., Matsubara Y., Kaida Y. and Takahashi T.; 1998: Shallow to very shallow, high resolution reflection seismic using a portable vibrator system . Geophysics, 63 , 1295-1309. Hole J. A.; 1992: Nonlinear high-resolution three-dimensional travel time tomography . J. Geophys. Res., 97 , 6553-6562. Lindsay C. E. and Chapman N. R.; 1993: Matched field inversion for geoacoustic model parameters using Adaptive Simulated Annealing . IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 18 , 224-231. Mandal B.; 1992: Forward modeling for tomography: triangular grid-based Huygens’ principle method . J. Seis. Exp, 1 , 239-250. Miller K. C., Harder S. H., Adams S.C. and O’Donnel Jr. T.; 1998: Integrating high-resolution refraction data into near- surface seismic reflection data processing an interpretation . Geophysics, 63 , 1339-1347. Miller R. D. and Xia J.; 1998: Large near-surface velocity gradients on shallow seismic reflection data . Geophysics, 63 , 1348-1356. Moser T. J.; 1991: Shortest path calculation of seismic rays . Geophysics, 56 , 59-67. Schmelzbach C:, Green A. G. and Horstmeyer H.; 2005: Ultra-shallow seismic reflection imaging in a region characterized by high source-generated noise . Near Surface Geophysics, 3 , 33-46. Sheehan J. R., Doll W. E. and Mandell W. A.; 2005: An evaluation of methods and available software for refraction tomography analysis . JEEG, 10 , 21-34. Steeples D. W., Green A. G., McEvily T. V., Miller R. D., Doll W. E. and Rector J. W.; 1997: A workshop examination of shallow seismic reflection surveying . The Leading Edge, 16 , 1641-1647. Steeples D. W. and Miller R. D.; 1998: Avoiding pitfalls in shallow seismic reflection surveys . Geophysics, 63 , 1213-1224. White D. J.; 1989: Two-dimensional seismic refraction tomography . Geophysical Journal, 97 , 223-245. 16 GNGTS 2013 S essione 3.1
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