GNGTS 2013 - Atti del 32° Convegno Nazionale

Indice Lectio Magistralis XIII The crust in Italy from seismic prospecting and additional investigating techniques R. Nicolich XV Tema 1 - Geodinamica 1 sessione 1.1 - I terremoti e le loro faglie 3 Three dimensional seismic imaging and earthquake locations in a complex, normal faulting region of southern Apennines (Italy) O. Amoroso, A. Ascione, S. Mazzoli, J. Virieux, A. Zollo 5 Travertines as fault activity indicators: new data from the Southern Apennines A. Ascione, A. Iannace, P. Imbriale, N. Santangelo, A. Santo 11 An in-depth analysis of seismic episodes: the example of the 2010 Sampeyre swarm and the 2013 Lunigiana sequence S. Barani, R. De Ferrari, G. Ferretti, M. Pasta, D. Scafidi, D. Spallarossa, C. Turino 17 TOMOGRAFIE DI RESISTIVITÀ ELETTRICA ESEGUITE PER LO STUDIO DEI FENOMENI DI FAGLIAZIONE SUPERFICIALE PRESSO L’ABITATO DI SAN GREGORIO (L’AQUILA) J. Bellanova, P. Boncio, P. Galli, B. Giaccio, V. Lapenna, E. Peronace, A. Perrone, B. Quadrio, S. Piscitelli 24 Paleoseismological investigations along the San Demetrio ne’ Vestini fault (AQ) A.M. Blumetti, P. Di Manna, E. Vittori, V. Comerci, L. Guerrieri 29 Metodo Delta-Sigma e studio del terremoto del Cile di magnitudo 8.8 del 27 febbraio 2010 D. Caccamo, V. Pirrone, F.M. Barbieri, C. Laganà, C. Rubuano 33 The significance of the “hidden” faults of the eastern flank of Mt. Etna and their seismogenic potential: new geological constraints S. Catalano, G. Tortorici, A. Torrisi, G. Romagnoli, F. Pavano 40 Geological, seismological and geodetic evidence of active thrusting and folding south of Mt. Etna (eastern Sicily) G. De Guidi, G. Barberi, G. Barreca, V. Bruno, F. Cultrera, S. Grassi, S. Imposa, M. Mattia, C. Monaco, L. Scarfì, S. Scudero . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48 First paleoseismic results from the Mount Morrone fault (Sulmona, central Apeninnes) P. Galli, B. Giaccio, P. Messina, E. Peronace, B. Quadrio, J. Bellanova, S. Piscitelli 53 The 2012 Emilia sequence: application of an automatic procedure to determine moment magnitude A. Gallo, G. Costa, P. Suhadolc 59 Underground array recordings of local and regional earthquakes in Central Italy: a tool for testing equipartition of energy in a diffusive wavefield D. Galluzzo, M. La Rocca, L. Margerin, E. Del Pezzo, R. Scarpa 62 Attenuation tomography of Friuli Venezia Giulia Italian region S. Gentili, F. Gentile 69 Active deformation across the Zagros collisional belt as deduced from geodetic and seismological observations: preliminary results P. Imprescia, M. Palano, A. Agnon, S. Gresta 75 Di alcuni terremoti sconosciuti e poco conosciuti dell’isola d’Ischia F. Mastino 82 VII GNGTS 2013 I ndice