GNGTS 2013 - Atti del 32° Convegno Nazionale
commercial software ProMAX. The data processing consisted of three main phases: 1) pre- processing, 2) velocity analysis and stacking; 3) post-stack migration. First operation was the cross-correlation between the wave function generated by the source (sweep) with the seismic array seismograms. Subsequently, we assigned to all traces a geometry in UTM WGS84 coordinates. The profiles were acquired and therefore processed with a crooked line geometry. A minimum phase filter was estimated by the source sweeps. The main and longer part of refraction processing was the picking of the first arrivals. The reading of the first arrival phases was performed on the entire dataset, consisting of about 110,500 traces. The first arrivals were Fig. 1 – Profile location on topographic map 1:5000, Acquired profile in blue and elaboration profile (CDP) in red. Topographic map by Autonomous Province of Bolzano - Alto Adige - Informatic geographical and statistical office. 53 GNGTS 2013 S essione 3.1
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