GNGTS 2014 - Atti del 33° Convegno Nazionale

near the injection point (A-B sequence), then it’s possible identify an alignment of the tracer near the groundwater level in according with the results obtained with the model simulated in Comsol Multiphysics as depicted in Fig. 3. The capability of cross-borehole ERT as a tool to detect near-surface contaminants is illustrated through a test carried out under controlled conditions in the Hydrogeosite laboratory of the CNR- IMAA representing salt tracer infiltration in the subsoil. Tests showed that electrical resistivity tomography may provide a means of mapping contaminant in the saturated and unsaturated zone and consequently to understand the pathway of the contaminant. Furthermore with conversion of the resistivity values in TDS, it’s possible provide high-density, quantitative data for investigations of vadose zone contaminant hydrogeology. Moreover the use of the resistivity data provides to define and optimize the physical parameters of the model that simulates the distribution of the contaminant in an aquifer. Acknowledgements. The present activity has been performed in the frame of the TICaMoSC Project “Tecnologie Idrogeofisiche per la caratterizzazione ed il monitoraggio di siti contaminati”, FSE Basilicata 2007-2013 funds. References Archie G.E. (1942) - The electrical resistivity log as an aid in determining some reservoir characteristics. Trans. Am. Inst. Min. Metall. Pet. Eng. 146, 54–62. Binley A. (2007a) - cR2: Summary. Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK. Binley A. (2007b) - R2: Summary. Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK. Binley A., Cassiani G., Middleton, R. and Winship P. (2002) - Vadose zone model parameterisation using cross- borehole radar and resistivity imaging. Journal of Hydrology, 267, 147-159. Bolève A., Janod F., Revil A., Lafon A., and Fry J.J. (2011) - Localization and quantification of leakages in dams using time-lapse self-potential measurements associated with salt tracer injection. Journal of Hydrology, 403 (3), 242-252. Fig. 2 – TDS concentration maps at the end of the experiment respectively between the boreholes A-B, C-D, E-F in the saturated zone. Fig. 3 – Volume concentration of solute injected after 30 days from contamination obtained with Comsol Multiphysics 4.4. 220 GNGTS 2014 S essione 3.3