GNGTS 2014 - Atti del 33° Convegno Nazionale

Successivamente un’indagine mirata sulle aree anomale, dovrebbe comprendere un rilievo SRT per la stima dei parametri meccanici. Un successivo sviluppo di questo approccio integrato potrà comprendere il monitoraggio dei parametri fisico-meccanici nel tempo, al fine di regolare le attività di manutenzione e di evitare il verificarsi di condizioni critiche sulla struttura. Ringraziamenti. Questo lavoro è stato finanziato dall’Università “Sapienza” di Roma tramite un progetto di Ateneo 2012 dal titolo “Non destructive tests for the diagnosis of pavements and structures”. Responsabile scientifico: Luciana Orlando. Si ringraziano Francesco Pugliese e Stefano Pagano dell’Università “Sapienza” di Roma per il loro contributo all’acquisizione dei dati e la Prof.ssa Paola Di Mascio per il contributo nell’integrazione dei dati di progetto. Bibliografia Asakawa E., Kawanaka T.; 1993: Seismic ray tracing using linear travel time interpolation. Geophysical Prospecting, 41, 99–111. Cardarelli E., Cercato M., De Donno G.; 2014: Characterization of an earth-filled dam through the combined use of electrical resistivity tomography, P-and SH-wave seismic tomography and surface wave data. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 106, 87-95. Cardarelli E., CerretoA.; 2002: Ray tracing in elliptical anisotropic media using linear traveltime seismic interpolation (LTI) method applied to traveltime seismic tomography. Geophysical Prospecting, 50, 55–72. Cardarelli E., De Nardis R.; 2001: Seismic Refraction, isotropic and anisotropic seismic tomography on an ancient monument. Geophysical Prospecting, 49, 228–240. Cardarelli E., Fischanger F.; 2006: 2D data modelling by electrical resistivity tomography for complex subsurface geology. ����������� ������������ ��� �������� Geophysical Prospecting, 54, 121-133. Cruzado M.G.; 2006: Ingeniería Aeroportuaria. Editorial UPM, 3ª Edición, ETSI Aeronáuticos, Madrid. Goel A., Das A.; 2008: �������������� ������� �� ������� ��������� ��� ���������� ��������� ����������� � ����� �� ��� Nondestructive testing of asphalt pavements for structural condition evaluation: a state of the art. � ����� �� ��� ���� �������������� ������� ��� ����������� ��� �������� A state of the art. Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, 23, 121-140. Manassero M., Dominijanni A.; 2010: Riqualifica Strutturale di un Sistema di Piste Aeroportuali, Rivista italiana di geotecnica, 21, 46-66. Piro S., Goodman D., Nishimura Y.; 2001: High-resolution GPR survey in Forum Novum site (Vescovio, Rieti). Journal of Roman Archaeology, 14, 60-79. Saarenketo T., Scul���� ��� ����� ���� ���������� ���� ������ ����������� ������ ������� �� ������� ����������� ��� lion T.; 2000: Road evaluation with ground penetrating radar. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 43, 119–138. Integrationof geophysical techniques for sustainablemanagement of water resource in agriculture A. Satriani 1 , F. Soldovieri 2 , M. Catalano 3 , E. Scalcione 3 , A. Loperte 1 1 Institute of Methodologies for Environmental Analysis (IMAA-CNR), Tito Scalo (PZ), Italy 2 Institute for Electromagnetic Sensing of the Environment (IREA-CNR), Napoli, Italy 3 Agency for the Agricultural Development and Innovation (ALSIA), Basilicata Region, Matera, Italy Introduction. The efficient use of water is one of the main objectives for the sustainable management of natural resources in agriculture. As well known, water is a fundamental resource for the metabolic activities of crops, but this resource is available in limited quantities and therefore optimizing the use of water in irrigation practice is very important for a sustainable management of it. A possible technological solution based on the integration between geophysical techniques for soil moisture measure and soil water spatial monitoring as time domain reflectometry (TDR), ground penetrating radar (GPR) and electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) technique can be used. Of course, with the use of these technologies the opportunity to know the current soil moisture status and how it is distributed in the soil is useful to determine the actual water requirement of a crop, with the result of optimizing the use of water in irrigation practice for GNGTS 2014 S essione 3.3 227