GNGTS 2014 - Atti del 33° Convegno Nazionale

GNGTS 2014 S essione 2.1 33 calculated by Eq. (1). Being so, if the perturbations, which caused electron precipitations from inner Van Allen Belts occurred above the earthquake epicentres in the ionosphere, they anticipated the earthquake times by 3.5 – 6.5 hours. Satellite altitudes and orbits were also determinant in increasing electron bursts detection. Fig. 3 shows that the region where electrons can be detected are those where bouncing points are under the satellite altitude, they were indicated in yellow and sky-blue colours. Given the criteria calculated in L -shell differences, earthquake-particle interactions occurred above the earthquake epicentres where bouncing points are above the satellite altitude, see red area in Fig. 3. Being so, higher the satellite altitude the greater the longitude extensions will be where electron mirror points are under the satellite. Consequently, higher altitude increases the area where satellite can detect precipitating electron bursts. References Abel, B. and Thorne, R. M., Electron scattering loss in earths inner magnetosphere 1. Dominant physical processes. Journal of Geophysical Research, 103, 2385–2396, 1998. Adriani, O., et al., Measurements of quasi-trapped electron and positron fluxes with PAMELA. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, A12218, 2009. Albert, J. M., Bortnik, J., Nonlinear interaction of radiation belt electrons with electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves. Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L12110, 2009. Aleksandrin, S. Yu., Galper, A. M., Grishantzeva, L. A., Koldashov, S. V., Maslennikov, L. V., Murashov, A. M., Picozza, P., Sgrigna, V., and Voronov, S. A., High-energy charged particle bursts in the near-Earth space as earthquake precursors. Annales Geophysicae, 21, 597–602, 2003. Anagnostopoulos, G., Rigas, V., Athanasiou, M., Iliopoulos, A., Vassiliadis, E., and Iossifidis, N., Temporal Evolution of Energetic Electron Precipitation as a promising tool for Earthquake Prediction Research: Analysis of IDP/ DEMETER Observations, in: Advances in Hellenic Astronomy during the IYA09, ASP Conference Series, edited by: Tsinganos K., Hatzidimitriou D., and Matsakos T., 424, 67–74, 2010. Asikainen, T., Mursula, K., Energetic electron flux behavior at low L-shells and its relation to the South Atlantic Anomaly. J. Atmos. Solar-Terrestrial Phys. 70, 532–538, 2008. Baker, D. N., Kanekal, S. G., Li, X., Monk, S. P., Goldstein, J. and Burch, J. L., An extreme distortion of the Van Allen belt arising from the “Halloween” solar storm in 2003. Nature, 432, 878–881, 2004. Boskova, J., Smilauer, J., Triska, P., and Kudela, K., Anomalous behaviour of plasma parameters as observed by Intercosmos 24 satellites prior to the Iranian earthquake of 20 June 1990. Studia Geophysica and Geodedica, 38, 213–220, 1994. Couet, O., Goossens, M. HBOOK StatisticalAnalysis and Histogramming Reference Manual; Information Technology Division, CERN: Geneva, Switzerland, 1998. Davies, K. and Baker, D. M., Ionospheric effects observed around the time of the Alaskan earthquake of March 28. Journal of Geophisical Research, 70, 2251–2253, 1965. Deshpande, S. D., Subrahmanyam, C. V., Mitra, A. P., Ionospheric effects of solar flares—I. The statistical relationship between X-ray flares and SID’s. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, DOI: 10.1016/0021- 9169(72)90165-1, 1972. Evans, D. S. and Greer, M. S., Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellite Space Environment Monitor – 2: Instrument Descriptions and Archive Data Documentation. NOAA Technical Memorandum January, version 1.4, 155 pp, 2004. Evans, D., Garrett, H., Jun, I., et al.: Long-term observations of the trapped high-energy proton population (L<4) by the NOAA Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellites (POES), Adv. Space Res., 41, 126–1268, doi:10.1016/ j.asr.2007.11.028, 2008. Fidani, C. and Battiston, R., Analysis of NOAA particle data and correlations to seismic activity. Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, 8, 1277–1291, 2008. Fidani, C., Battiston, R., and Burger, W. J., A study of the correlation between earthquakes and NOAA satellite energetic particle bursts. Remote Sensing, 2, 2170–2184, 2010. Fidani, C., Battiston, R., Burger, W. J. and Conti, L., A study of NOAA particle flux sensitivity to solar activity and strategies to search for correlations among satellite data and earthquake phenomena. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 33, 15, 4796-4814, 2012. Galperin, Yu. I., Gladyshev, V. A., Jordjio, N. V., et al., Precipitation of high-energy captured particles in the magnetosphere above epicenter of an incipient earthquake. Cosmic Research, 30, 1, 89–106, 1992. Inan, U. S., Lehtinen, N. G., Moore, R. C., et al., Massive disturbance of the daytime lower ionosphere by the giant g-ray flare from magnetar SGR 180620, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L08103, doi:10.1029/2006GL029145, 2007.