GNGTS 2014 - Atti del 33° Convegno Nazionale

38 GNGTS 2014 S essione 2.1 all the information acquired, and the Imax value that would instead result by only considering the data given by the DBMI11 catalog. Also, to allow an assessment of the possible robustness of the data set used to define the proposed Imax values, the numbers of macroseismic observations available for the most relevant intensity classes are also given in Tab. 2. The result of this study, synthetized in the coloured map of Fig. 3, provides an information on the expected damage for the communes of the two Regions considered, which is compatible Fig. 2 – Geometries (blue contours) of the seismogenetic zones adopted in the analysis. Circles indicate the major earthquakes (I>V, MCS). 1) Alta Valtiberina, 2) Cagliese, 3) Anconetano, 4) Dorsale Marchigiana , 5) Dorsale Umbra, 6) Valle Umbra, 7) Orvietano. The two zones contoured by violet lines (Riminese ed Aquilano) are located outside the Regions considered, but have been characterized by strong shocks that have produced appreciable effects in Umbria and/or Marche.