GNGTS 2014 - Atti del 33° Convegno Nazionale

18 GNGTS 2014 S essione 1.1 Baubron J.C., Rigo A. and Toutain J.P.; 2002: Soil gas profiles as a tool to characterize active tectonic areas: The Jaut Pass example (Pyrenees, France) . Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 196 , 69–81. Beaubien S.E.; Ruggiero L.; Annunziatellis A.; Bigi S.; Ciotoli G.; Deiana P.; Graziani S.; Lombardi S.; Tartarello C.; 2014: The importance of baseline surveys of near-surface gas geochemistry for CCS monitoring, as shown from onshore case studies in northern and southern Europe . Oil and Gas Science Technology Journal, ���� ��� Rev. IFP Energies nouvelles, DOI: 10.2516/ogst/2014009 Boschi E., Guidoboni E., Ferrari G., Valensise G., Gasperini P.; 1997: Catalogue of Strong Italian Earthquakes, 461 B.C. to 1990 , ING-SGA, Bologna. 644 pp. and CD-ROM. Brancaccio L., Cinque A., Di Crescenzo G., Santangelo N. and Scarciglia F.; 1997: Alcune osservazioni sulla tettonica quaternaria nell’alta valle del F. Volturno. �� ������������ Il Quaternario, 10 (2), 321-328. 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