GNGTS 2014 - Atti del 33° Convegno Nazionale
GNGTS 2014 S essione 1.1 27 Results. The February 5 shock occurred at 19.10 Italian time (12.10 GMT) with a felt area extended from the whole of Sicily to most of southern Italy (e.g. Boschi et al. , 2000). The area with the strongest effects (I = 11) is located in the Tyrrhenian side of the Calabrian Apennines, a region corresponding to the Aspromonte and Gioia Tauro Plain (Fig. 2) The February 6 shock, which occurred at 7.30 Italian time (00.20 GMT), increased damage in Scilla and Messina already damaged by the previous earthquake Intensities reported in reported in Fig. 2 (Boschi et al. , 1995) are probably overestimated, indeed damage in Scilla were mainly due to the following devastating tsunami that struck it and Torre Faro (e.g. Graziani et al. , 2006). The next day shock, on February 7, at 20.30 Italian time (13.10 GMT), moved to a north-easterly direction compared to the one of previous earthquakes, towards the Mesima Basin (Fig. 2) on the Tyrrhenian side of the Serre Mts. The most affected area (I = 10-11) was that between Melicuccà and Vazzano (Fig. 2). Damage observed in the villages of the Aspromonte and Gioia Tauro Plain (e.g. Boschi et al. , 2005), already badly damaged by the shocks on February 5 and 6, are not likely related to the same event. Indeed from the analysis Fig. 1 – Localities described by different authors for the 1783 Calabria seismic sequence. Moreover Sarconi (1784), De Dolemieu (1784) and Vivenzio (1783, 1788) report information for the whole Calabria. Some of the localities described by Sarconi are shown. Fig. 2 – Maximum intensity distribution of the main shocks of the 1783 seismic sequence and some other events studied in this work. For the bigger events only values of I > 8.5 are reported. Pink circles are the February 5 intensity values, dark green circles for the February 6; the blue ones for the February 7; the light green for the March 1, the red ones for the March 28 and the full grey ones for the minor shocks studied in this work. Yellow stars are the epicenters of the major earthquakes. Note: for the February 5 event, the anomalous intensity along the Tyrrhenian coast (Bagnara and Palmi); the localities also struck by the 6 and 7 February at 15 GMT (Fig. 3 a) very close to the previous ones; the large distribution points for the March 28 shock: Faults associated with the main events: ADCF = Armo-Delianuova- Cittanova Fault; SECF = Santa Eufemia-Calanna Fault; SF = Scilla Fault; GF = Gioia Fault; NF = Nicotera Fault; MEF = Mesima Fault; LCF = Lamezia Catanzaro Fault.
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