GNGTS 2014 - Atti del 33° Convegno Nazionale
46 GNGTS 2014 S essione 1.1 Conclusion. The new geo-structural data allow to provide new insights on the Neogene- Quaternary “Catanzaro Trough” evolution. The development of this basin can be divided into two main stages, both characterized by several fault sets. During the first MiddleMiocene-Lower Pleistocene stage, the left lateral transcurrent kinematic represents the main tectonic feature. This main structural style is shown along the WNW-ESE oriented faults system, bordering the northern (Lamezia Terme-Catanzaro Fault) and southern (Stalettì-Squillace-Maida Fault) edges of the Catanzaro Trough. Locally some of the faults are reactivated as normal and oblique faults. In the second stage, which could be still ongoing, NE-SW (S. Eufemia and Vibo Valentia faults) and N-S (Curinga faults) trending fault systems show normal and likely right oblique kinematics. These systems outcrop along the northwestern and southwestern margins of Catanzaro Trough. Despite the few evidences in the western sector of the basin, these structures displace the Pleistocene deposits. On the other hand, in the Tyrrhenian offshore, the S. Eufemia Fault activity has been hypothesized on the basis of geophysical data that image the faulting of Holocene sediments, and the deepening of the basin (Loreto et al. , 2013). In conclusion, according to our hypothesis, WNW-ESE oriented faults were responsible for the opening of a NW–SE paleo-strait that connected the Tyrrhenian area to the Ionian Sea until the early Pleistocene. Moreover, as a response to one of the last extensional stages of the Tyrrhenian back-arc basin opening, NE-SW and N-S fault systems developed and controlled the growth of a minor Late Quaternary basin, here named Catanzaro Trough Sub-basin, which looks presently arranged as a graben feature. Acknowledgements. This research is part of Fabrizio Brutto’s PhD research ‘Geological-structural evolution of active tectonics areas in the centre of Calabria‘, this work is still in progress. The PhD project is carried out within PhD Programmes “Archimede” in Sciences, Communication and Technologies, cycle XXVIII at University of Calabria. We wish to thank CNR-ISMAR (Istituto di Scienze Marine) for permission to consult seismic reflection profiles carried out in the S. Eufemia Plain and to publish its line drawings. We are gratefull to the OGS Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale (Trieste) for user licence of geophysical dataset coming from the ISTEGE project. References Barberi G., Cosentino M. T., Gervasi A., Guerra I., Neri G. and Orecchio B.; 2004: Crustal seismic tomography in the Calabrian arc region, south Italy . ������� �� ��� ����� ��� ��������� ���������� Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 147 , 297–314. Booth-Rea G, Azaño’n J-M, Azor A. and Garcıa –Dueñas V., 2004: Influence of strike-slip fault segmentation on drainage evolution and topography. A case study: the Palomares Fault Zone (southeastern Betics, Spain) . Journal of Structural Geology, 26 , 1615–1632. Del Ben A., Barnaba C. and Taboga A., 2008: Strike-slip systems as the main tectonic features in the Plio-Quaternary kinematics of the Calabrian Arc . Marine Geophysical Researches, 29 , 1–12. Faccenna C., Civetta L., D’Antonio M., Funiciello F., Margheriti L., and C. Piromallo, 2005: Constraints on mantle circulation around the deforming Calabrian slab . Geophys. Res. Lett., 32 , L06311, doi:10.1029/ 2004GL021874. Galli, P., Scionti V. and Spina, V., 2007: New paleoseismic data from the Lakes and Serre faults: seismotectonic implications for Calabria (Southern Italy). Ital. J. Geosci., 126 , 347-364. Galli P. and Bosi V., 2003: Catastrophic 1638 earthquakes in Calabria (southern Italy): new insights from palaeoseismological investigation . Journal of Geophysical Research, 108 , B1. Ghisetti, F., 1981. Upper Pliocene-Pleistocene uplift rates as indicators of neotectonic pattern: an example from southern Calabria (Italy) . ����������� ��� ��������������� Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie, 40 , 93–118. Ghisetti, F., 1979: Evoluzione neotettonica dei principali sistemi di faglie della Calabria centrale : Bolletino Società Geologica Italiana, 98 , 387–430. Gruppo di Lavoro CPTI, 2004. Catalogo Parametrico dei Terremoti Italiani, versione 2004 (CPTI04) . ����� ������� INGV, Bologna ( ) Guarnieri, P. 2006: Plio-Quaternary segmentation of the south Tyrrhenian forearc basin . Int. J. Earth Sci., 95 , 107- 118. Langone A. , Gueguen E., Prosser G., Caggianelli A. and Rottura A., 2006: The Curinga - Girifalco fault zone (northern Serre, Calabria) and its significance within the Alpine tectonic evolution of the western Mediterranean . Journal of Geodynamics, 42 , 140 - 158.
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