GNGTS 2014 - Atti del 33° Convegno Nazionale
GNGTS 2014 S essione 2.3 435 As shown in Fig. 3, the villages of the Sant’Agostino Municipality are subjected to possible liquefaction phenomena and amplification of the seismic motion. Most of these urbanized area are characterized by the presence of liquefiable layers in the first 10 m below the ground surface and by Liquefaction Potential Index values greater than 2 and up to a maximum of 13, which therefore reflect a moderate to high hazard. In this situation, the new regulations will suggest, prior to any urban and building transformation, the analysis of the liquefaction susceptibility for better addressing the proper application of the Technical Standards for Constructions (NTC, 2008). For strategic and public interest constructions, mitigation interventions of the liquefaction hazard will be advised (for example, the consolidation of the soil foundation). This important application of the seismic microzonation study is the result of the close collaboration between the University of Ferrara Working Group, the Geological Survey of the Regione Emilia-Romagna and the Administration of the Sant’Agostino Municipality. Acknowledgements. We warmly thank theAdministration of the Sant’Agostino Municipality for the farsightedness shown in deciding to adopt an important study such as the seismic microzonation prior to the Ordinance 70/2012. We are grateful to Ioannides J. (GeoLogismiki Geotechnical Software) for providing the Academic license of the CLiq software. We thank the Tecnicoop designers for their willingness and for their contribution in the drafting of the regulation for the seismic risk reduction. We are also thankful to the several professional geologists that have made available their archives. References Bigi G., Bonardini G., Catalano R., Cosentino D., Lentini F., Parlotto M. Sartori R., Scandone P. and Turco E. 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