GNGTS 2014 - Atti del 33° Convegno Nazionale
GNGTS 2014 S essione 2.3 439 It has been decided to search for real ground motion records through Italian and European Strong-Motion Data Base [ITACA: Luzi et al. (2008), ; ESMD: Ambraseys et al. (2002), ]. The choice of the accelerograms has been taken ��������� according with the disaggregation of the PSHA results in terms of distance and magnitude (Meletti and Montaldo, 2007). Earthquakes with magnitude between 5.5 and 6 within a distance of 20 km have been seek (INGV - Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, 2007). Ground type A accelerograms were extracted, since the intention was to model the site effects through the software Pshake (Sanò and Pugliese, 1991). Response spectra for each selected accelerogram (Tab. 1) were compiled using the SeismoSignal software (Seismosoft, 2013c). The average spectrum obtained must match the one calculated in accordance to the 2008 Italian technical regulations (Consiglio Superiore dei Lavori Pubblici, 2008). A 50 years nominal life expectancy is assumed for the structure. The importance class is IV: “buildings Fig. 2 – Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio and 3 components velocity diagram (smoothing 10%) obtained by Tromino® instruments. Tab. 1 - Ground motion records used in the spectra definition, according with the disaggregation of the PSHA results in terms of distance and magnitude. Earthquake Date Hour Mw Station Soil Distance type (km) L’Aquila 7 th April 2009 17:47:37 5.5 AQP A 13.2 MI05 A* 5.3 RM13 A* 15.59 Umbria Marche III shock 14 th October 1997 15:23:09 5.6 CAG A* 16.2 Marmanno 25 th October 2012 23:05:24 5.3 VGG A* 10.267
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