GNGTS 2014 - Atti del 33° Convegno Nazionale
Bernardini, A., Giovinazzi S., Lagomarsino, S. and Parodi, S.; 2007: The vulnerability assessment of current buildings by a macroseismic approach derived from the EMS-98 scale . 3º Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Sísmica. Girona, 8-11 Mayo 2007, Spain. Giovinazzi, S. and Lagomarsino, S.; 2003: Seismic risk analysis: a method for the vulnerability assessment of built-up areas . ����������� �������� ������ � ����������� ����������� ����������� ��� Proceedings European Safety & Reliability Conference, Maastricht, 16. Giovinazzi, S. and Lagomarsino, S.; 2004: Esposizione e vulnerabilità del costruito in provincia di Imperia , Atti del Convegno Nazionale “Rischio sismico, territorio e centri storici”, Sanremo, pp. 321-332. Grünthal G. (Ed.); 1998: European Macroseismic Scale 1998 EMS-98 . European Seismological Commission, Luxembourg, 99pp. ISTAT; 1991: 13° censimento generale della popolazione, 1991 . Dati sulle caratteristiche strutturale della popolazione e delle abitazioni. ����� Roma. Lagomarsino S. and Giovinazzi S.; 2006: Macroseismic and mechanical models for the vulnerability and damage assessment of current buildings , Bull Earthquake Eng., Vol. 4, pp. 415–443. Lantada N., Irizarry J., Barbat A. H., Goula X., Roca A., Susagna T. and Pujades L. G.; 2010: Seismic hazard and risk scenarios for Barcelona, Spain, using the Risk-UE vulnerability index method , Bull. Earth. Eng., 8, 2, pp. 201-229 Mota De Sá F., Ferreira M.A., Oliveira C.S.; 2014: QuakeIST® earthquake scenario simulator , Proceedings of 2ECEES, Istanbul, Turkey, 24-29 August. Meroni F., Petrini V. and Zonno G.; 2000: Distribuzione nazionale della vulnerabilità media comunale . In: A. Bernardini, (A cura di), La vulnerabilità degli edifici: valutazione a scala nazionale della Vulnerabilità sismica degli Edifici ordinari, GNDT-CNR, Roma, Maggio 2000, pp. 105-131 + n. 4 mappe allegate e CD-ROM. Meroni F., Pessina V. and Bernardini A.; 2008: Damage risk and scenarios in the Veneto - Friuli area , Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica e Applicata, 49, 3-4, pp. 485-503. Meroni F., Pessina V., Bernardini A., Valluzzi M. and D’Ayala D.; 2008: Damage scenarios in the Vittorio Veneto town center , Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica e Applicata, 49, 3-4, pp. 505-512. Mouroux P. and Le Brun B.; 2006: Risk-Ue Project: An Advanced Approach to Earthquake Risk Scenarios With Application to Different European Towns , in Assessing and Managing Earthquake Risk, 2, pp. 479-508. Syner-G project; 2012: Systemic Seismic vulnerability and risk analysis for buildings, lifeline networks and infrastructures safety gain . European Research Project funded by FP7. ��� ���� ������� ������������������������ Web site ������� ������������������������ http:// G/ Spence R. (Eds.); 2007: Earthquake Disaster Scenario Prediction and Loss Modelling for Urban Areas . LessLoss Report No 7, ISBN 978-88-6198-011-2, pp. 165. Tertulliani A., Arcoraci L., Berardi M., Bernardini F., Camassi R., Castellano C., Del Mese S., Ercolani E., Graziani L., Leschiutta I., Rossi A. and Vecchi M.; 2011: An application of EMS98 in a medium-sized city: The case of L’Aquila (Central Italy) after the April 6, 2009 Mw 6.3 earthquake , Bull. Earthq. Eng. 9, 67–80, doi 10.1007/ s10518-010-9188-4. Tertulliani A., Leschiutta I., Bordoni P. and Milana G.; 2012: Damage Distribution in L’Aquila City (Central Italy) during the 6 April 2009 Earthquake . Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 102, 4, pp. 1543–1553, doi: 10.1785/0120110205 UPStrat-MAFA; 2012: Urban disaster prevention strategies using macroseismic fields and fault sources . �� ������� EC Project Num. 230301/2011/613486/SUB/A5), DG ECHO Unit A5. Web site Zonno G., Oliveira C. S., Ferreira M. A., Musacchio G., Meroni F., Mota-de-Sá F.and Neves F.; 2010: Assessing seismic damage through stochastic simulation of ground shaking: the case of the 1998 Faial Earthquake (Azores Islands) . Surv. Geophys., 31, 3, pp. 361-381, DOI 10.1007/s10712-009-9091-1. Zonno G., Meroni F., D’Amico S., Tuvè T., Azzaro R., Oliveira C.S., Ferreira M.A., Mota De Sa’ F., Brambilla C., Rotondi R. And Varini E.; 2014: On assessing importance of components in dysfunction urban systems given an earthquake: the case of Mt Etna region , Proceedings of 2ECEES, Istanbul, Turkey, 24-29 August. GNGTS 2014 S essione 2.3 463
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