GNGTS 2014 - Atti del 33° Convegno Nazionale
Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute). Moreover, � ����������� ����� �� � ����������� a feasibility study of a nation-wide Early Warning System in Italy using the National Accelerometric Network (RAN) and PRESTo is in progress. The CE 3 RN project. The region of the Central and Eastern Europe is an area characterised by a relatively high seismicity. The active seismogenic structures and the related potentially destructive events are located in the proximity of the political boundaries between several countries existing in the area. An example is the seismic region between the NE Italy (������� Friuli- Venezia Giulia, Trentino-AltoAdige ��� �������� ������� ������� ���������� ��� ��������� ���� and Veneto), Austria (Tyrol, Carinthia) and Slovenia. When a destructive earthquake occurs in this area, all the three countries are involved. In 2001 OGS (�������� ��������� �� ������������ � �� ��������� ������������� �� ������ ����������� ��������� Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale) in Italy, theAgencija Republike Slovenije za Okolje (ARSO) in Slovenia, the Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik (ZAMG) inAustria and the ���������� �� ������� �������� ������ �� ��������� ��� ��� ��������� Università di Trieste (UniTS), signed an agreement for the real-time seismological data exchange in the South-easternAlps region. Soon after the Interreg IIIa Italia- Austria “Trans-National Seismological Networks in the South-EasternAlps” and “FASTLINK” projects started. The main goal of these projects was the creation of a transfrontier network for the common seismic monitoring of the region for scientific and civil defence purposes. During these years the high quality data recorded by the transfrontier network has been used by the involved institutions for their scientific research, for institutional activities and for civil defence services. Several common international projects have been realized with success (Pesaresi et al. , 2014). The instrumentation has been continuously upgraded, the installations quality improved as well as the data transmission efficiency. In 2014 OGS, ARSO, ZAMG and UniTS signed a Memorandum of Understanding naming the cooperative network “Central and Eastern European Earthquake Research Network – CE 3 RN” (Bragato et al. , 2014). Starting from 2001, CE 3 RN represents an excellent example of international high quality research infrastructure and the starting point for the enlargement of the transfrontier network to all countries and their seismological institutions of the Central and Eastern Europe region. Furthermore, one of the main goals of CE 3 RN is to intensify the cooperation between these institutions through common research activities and preparation of common international projects. At the moment (2014) discussions are undergoing to include in the CE 3 RN partnership also Croatia. Since the beginning of 2014, PRESTo is under experimentation in the transnational area including NE Italy, Slovenia and Austria. For this purpose, a dedicated SeisComP server at OGS CRS data centre in Udine collects data of 20 accelerometric stations (Fig. 1) and sends them to the RISSCLab in Napoli, where a dedicated PRESTo system performs the real- time analyses. After an initial period during which we tested different set-ups of the system parameters, since end of March 2014 we are experimenting: the velocity model used for routine earthquake analysis and bulletin production at OGS (OGS, 1995-2013); a minimum number of five stations required to trigger within twelve seconds for the event declaration; the coefficients of the empirical correlation laws between the peak displacement (Pd) measured on short time windows of P-waves and the earthquake magnitude (M) estimated by Lancieri and Zollo (2008); and the Akkar and Bommer (2007) ground motion prediction equation. EEWS performance for the 1976 Friuli earthquake. One of the first tests that we carried out was devoted to verify what could have been the performance of PRESTo in the case of the 1976, Mw 6.5, Friuli earthquake in north-eastern Italy. To this aim, we ran a playback of this earthquake using the historical recordings downloaded by ITACA 2.0 (Luzi et al. , 2008; Pacor et al. , 2011). The playback was run considering the network geometry of 1976, and pretending that at that time the hardware and the management software necessary for the real-time data streaming to the OGS’s seismological centre of Udine were already existing. Fig. 2 shows a snapshot of the first event detection and characterization provided by PRESTo at the instant when three stations have triggered and the first alert is issued. However, only for 466 GNGTS 2014 S essione 2.3
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