GNGTS 2014 - Atti del 33° Convegno Nazionale

GNGTS 2014 S essione 3.1 11 S. G. Mallat, Z. Zhang: Matching Pursuits with Time-Frequency Dictionaries // IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, December 1993, pp. 3397–3415. S. G. Mallat, F. Bergeaud: Matching pursuit of images , In Proc. // International Conference on Image Processing vol. 1, pp. 53–56 vol.1, 1995. N. Kreimer, M. D. Sacchi: A tensor higher-order singular value decomposition for prestack seismic data noise reduction and interpolation �� ����������� ��� ����� ���� ��� ��� ���������� ���� �� ���� // Geophysics, May 2012, vol. 77, pp. V113-V122, July 9, 2012 Y. Pati, R. Rezaiifar, P. Krishnaprasad: Orthogonal Matching Pursuit: recursive function approximation with application to wavelet decomposition // Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems and Comput., 1993 M. D. Sacchi and H. Kuehl: F-X ARMA filters // 70th Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstarcts, pp. 2092–2095, 2000 M. D. Sacchi, D. Trad: Reconstruction of wide azimuth seismic data: assumptions, methodology and field examples . SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2010 // pp. 3825-3828, 2010 M. D. Sacchi, P. M. Zwartjes: Fourier reconstruction of non-uniformly sampled, aliased data // 74th Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts, 1997–2000. S. Spitz: Seismic trace interpolation in the F-X domain // Geophysics, vol. 56, pp. 785–796, 1991 S. Trickett, L. Burroughs, A. Milton, L. Walton, R. Dack: Rank-reduction-based trace interpolation �� ��� ��������� // SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts: pp. 3829-3833, 2010. S. Trickett, L. Burroughs: Interpolation Using Hankel Tensor Completion // CSPG/CSEG/CWLS GeoConvention, 2013 Z. Wang, M. Lai, Z. Lu, W. Fan, H. Davulvu, J. Ye: Orthogonal Rank-One Matrix Pursuit for Low Rank Matrix Completion �� ����� ���� // arXiv 2014 Xu S., D. Pham: Seismic data regularization with anti-leakage Fourier transform // 66th Conference and Exhibition, EAGE, Extended Abstracts, D032, 2004 Xu S., Y. Zhang, G. Lambare: Antileakage Fourier transform for seismic data regularization in higher dimensions // Geophysics, 70, WB113–WB119, 2005 Y. Yang, J. Ma, S. Osher: Seismic data reconstruction via matrix completion // Inverse Problems and Imaging (IPI), vol. 7, pp. 1379 – 1392, iss. 4, 2013 T. Zhang, G. H. Golub: Rank-One Approximation to High Order Tensors �� ����� �� ������ �������� � // ����� �� ������ �������� � SIAM. J. Matrix Analysis & Applications, vol. 23(2), pp. 534–550, 2001 R. Kumar, A. Y. Aravkin, E. Esser, H. Mansour, F. J. Herrmann: SVD-free low-rank matrix factorization : wavefield reconstruction via jittered subsampling and reciprocity // EAGE Conference, 2014 L. De Lathauwer, B. De Moor, J. Vandewalle: On the Best Rank-1 and Rank-(R 1 ,R 2 ,. . .,R N ) Approximation of Higher- Order Tensors // SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, vol. 21, iss. 4, pp. 1324-1342, 2000 STRATIGRAPHIC ARCHITECTURE OF DEEP SEA DEPOSITIONAL SYSTEMS IN THE SOUTHERN TYRRHENIAN SEA: SOME EXAMPLES IN THE ISCHIA AND STROMBOLI VOLCANIC ISLANDS (SOUTHERN ITALY) G. Aiello, E. Marsella Istituto per l’Ambiente Marino Costiero (IAMC), Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Napoli, Italy The stratigraphic architecture of deep sea depositional systems has been discussed in detail by Galloway (1998). Some examples in the Ischia offshore are here shown and represented. The submarine slope and base of slope depositional systems represent a major component of marine and lacustrine basin fills, constituting primary targets for hydrocarbon exploration and development. The slope systems are characterized by seven basic facies building blocks, including the turbiditic channel fills, the turbidite lobes, the sheet turbidites, the slide, slump and debris flow sheets, lobes and tongues, the fine-grained turbidite fills and sheets, the contourite drifts and finally, the hemipelagic drapes and fills (Galloway, 1998). The grain size of the supplied sediments is a primary control in the development of the morphology in the channel-lobe systems. The grain size also controls the scale and the importance of slump and debris flow deposits. Siliciclastic slope systems have been divided into two main