GNGTS 2014 - Atti del 33° Convegno Nazionale

GNGTS 2014 S essione 3.1 17 Galloway W.E.; 1998: Siliciclastic slope and base-of-slope depositional systems:component facies, stratigraphic architecture and classification. AAPG Bull., 82 (4) , 569-595. Hubscher C., Spiess V., Breitzke M., Weber M.E.; 1997: The youngest channel-levee system of the Bengal Fan: results from digital sediment echosounder data. Mar. Geol., 141 , 125-145. Kidd R.B., Lucchi R.G., Gee M., Woodside J.M.; 1998: Sedimentary processes in the Stromboli canyon and Marsili Basin, SE Tyrrhenian sea: results from side-scan sonar surveys. Geomarine Letters, 18 , 146-154. Mutti E.; 1985: Turbidite systems and their relations to depositional sequences. NATO ASI Series, 148 , 65-93. Mutti E. and Normark W.R.; 1987: Comparing examples of modern and ancient turbidite systems: problems and concepts. Marine Clastic Sedimentol., 1987, pp. 1-38. Nakajima T., Satoh M., Okamura Y.; 1998: Channel-levee complexes, terminal deep-sea fan and sediment wave fields associated with the Toyama Deep-Sea channel system in the Japan sea. Mar. Geol., 147 , 25-41. Normark W.R., Piper D.J.W., Posamentier H., Pirmez C., Migeon S.; 2002: Variability in form and growth of sediment waves on turbidite channel levees. Mar. Geol., 192 , 23-58. Signanini P., Madonna R., Iezzi G., Favali P., Di Sabatino B., Crema G., Antonelli U., Paltrinieri D.; 2006: I distretti vulcanici sottomarini del Tirreno: una possibile risorsa geotermica? Giornale di Geologia Applicata, 4 , 195- 200. Panza G.F., Pontevivo A., Sarao A., Aoudia A., Peccerillo A.; 2003: Structure of the lithosphere-astenosphere and volcanism in the Tyrrhenian sea and surroundings. TheAbdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Miramare, Trieste, pp. 1-46. Revil A., FinizolaA., Sortino F., Ripepe M.; 2004: Geophysical investigations at Stromboli volcano, Italy: proceedings of ODP Leg 107 in the frame of Neogene to recent geology of perityrrhenian areas. In: Kastens K.A., Mascle J. et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, 107 th Edition, pp. 715-730. MULTIPLE MULTIBEAM BATHYMETRIC DATASETS IN NAPLES AND SALERNO GULFS (SOUTHERN TYRRHENIAN SEA) CALIBRATED THROUGHMULTICHANNEL SEISMIC PROFILES G. Aiello 1 , E. Marsella 1 , C. D’Isanto 2 1 Istituto per l’Ambiente Marino Costiero (IAMC), Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Napoli, Italy 2 Collaboratore Esterno, Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”, Italy Multiple Multibeam bathymetric datasets collected in Naples and Salerno Gulfs have been calibrated by high resolution multichannel seismic profiles. The research project is based on the processing and the interpretation of bathymetric data recorded by the IAMC-CNR of Naples through different types of Multibeam lateral echosoundings. An analytic comparison between one of the automatic methods most efficient for the data processing, i.e. the CUBE and the manual processing of swath packages has been attempted. The efficiency of the algorithm has been tested on complex morphologies, such as the Capri continental slope and the related geological structures occurring in the Salerno Gulf. The Multibeam data processing and interpretation has been carried out for several research projects (D’Isanto, 2007). The first one is the CNR-SGN Convention for the redaction of marine geological maps at the 1:25,000 scale of Naples and Salerno Gulfs (geological maps n. 465 “Procida”, n. 466 “Sorrento” and n. 467 “Salerno”. The second one is the CARG Project at the scale 1:10.000 of the Campania region (geological maps n. 464 “Ischia”, n. 465 “Procida”, n. 466 “Sorrento”, n. 446-447 “Napoli”, n. 484 “Capri”, n. 486 “Foce del Sele”, n. 502 “Agropoli”, n. 519 “Capo Palinuro”, n. 520 “Sapri”). The third one is the GEOSED project for the acquisition of bathy-morphological data for the geomorphological and sedimentological study of selected areas of Campania continental shelf (Capri and Ischia islands). The fourth one is the SISTER II oceanographic cruise of morpho-bathymetric acquisition in intermediate and deep sea bottoms through the RESON 8160 Multibeam and finalized to the geological