GNGTS 2014 - Atti del 33° Convegno Nazionale

VIII GNGTS 2014 I ndice SEISMOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION OF THE 2013 – 2014 SEISMIC SEQUENCE . OF THE MATESE MASSIF (SOUTHERN APENNINES, ITALY). G. Milano. 79 Quaternary marine terraces and fault activity. in the northern sector of the Messina Straits (southern Italy) . C. Monaco, G. Barreca, A. Di Stefano, G. Ristuccia. 85 OPTIMIZING THE ANTELOPE® PROCEDURES TO LOCATE AUTOMATICALLY THE SEISMIC EVENTS IN NE ITALY. L. Moratto, D. Sandron. 90 Terremoti e giacimenti di idrocarburi depleti: chi viene prima?. M. Mucciarelli, F. Donda, G. Valensise . 97 A CRITICAL REVISION OF THE SALENTO PENINSULA SEISMICITY: THE CASE OF THE FEBRUARY 20, 1743 . EARTHQUAKE AND RELATED ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS. R. Nappi, G. Alessio, G. Gaudiosi, M. De Lucia, S. Porfido . 101 Seismic cycle measurements from SAR interferometry: inter-, co- and post-seismic deformation . associated to the 2012 Emilia seismic sequence. G. Pezzo, C. Tolomei, S. Atzori, S. Salvi, J.P. Merryman Boncori. 107 sessione 1.2 - Processi tettonici attivi: cause geodinamiche e indicatori geologici, geofisici e geomorfologici . 115 Time-lShear-wave velocity profiles across the Ferrara Arc: . a contribution for assessing the recent activity of blind tectonic structures. N. Abu-Zeid, S. Bignardi, R. Caputo, A. Mantovani, G. Tarabusi, G. Santarato. 117 Three years of gravity continuous observations in the Calabria Arc System: . a model of the gravity tide and the tidal field. A. Albano, A. Gervasi, I. Guerra . 123 Structural and seismological clues for a lithospheric scale tear fault system . in central-eastern Sicily (Italy). G. Barreca, L. Scarfì, F. Cannavò, I. Koulakov, C. Monaco. 128 The spatio-temporal pattern of subsidence in the Po basin monitored by different techniques. N. Cenni, F. Loddo, F. Zucca, C. Meisina, P. Baldi, M.E. Belardinelli, M. Bacchetti, E. Mantovani, M. Viti, G. Casula,. S. Stramondo, P. Severi, L. Pierini, F. Bonsignore. 134 Progettazione di una rete geodetica integrata di monitoraggio ad alta precisione lungo . fasce di territorio interessate da deformazione di faglie attive. Caso studio del Monte Etna. G. De Guidi, S. Scudero, S. Imposa . 140 Some results on attenuation tomography of Friuli Venezia Giulia Italian region. S. Gentili, F. Gentile . 145 The funny appeal of unreliable geodynamic models (Tyrrhenian-Apennine system). E. Mantovani, M. Viti, D. Babbucci, C. Tamburelli . 151 THE MESSINIAN SALINITY CRISIS IN THE WEST-MEDITERRANEAN BASINS: . COMPARISON BETWEEN TWO RIFTED MARGINS. A. Mocnik, A. Camerlenghi, A. Del Ben, R. Geletti, N. Wardell, F. Zgur . 156 Active tectonics and seismic/tsunami hazard in the Messina Straits region: . the Ionian and Alfeo/Etna fault systems. A. Polonia, L. Torelli, L. Gasperini, S. Romano, S. Vaiani, A. Artoni. 163 Normal faults control fluid flow structures at the rear of the Calabrian Arc (. Paola Ridge, southeastern Tyrrhenian Sea). M. Rovere, F. Gamberi, F. Zgur, L. Facchin, L. Sormani, G. Visnovic, A. Mercorella, E. Leidi. 169