GNGTS 2014 - Atti del 33° Convegno Nazionale

GNGTS 2014 S essione 3.1 21 of this segment of the eastern Apenninic margin. This variability in the extension, of the depth of the shelf break and of the average slopes are in fact controlled by the structural and geologic setting of the marginal areas (Bartole et al. , 1984; Sacchi et al. , 1994), more than of the glacio-eustatic variations during the Pleistocene (Trincardi and Field, 1992; Ferraro et al. , 1997; Buccheri et al. , 2002; Aiello et al. , 2009). The continental slope surrounding the Salerno Gulf is characterized by structural depocenters having an Apenninic trending, originated by the extensional phases related to the Tyrrhenian Basin (Trincardi and Zitellini, 1987; Malinverno and Ryan, 1986) alternating to morpho-structural highs, adjacent to intra-slope basins, where the gravity instabilities are frequent and tectonically-controlled. The Multibeam interpretation has evidenced the occurrence of two morpho-structural highs having a complex nature with a NE-SW trending. The highs appear to be complicated from a morpho-structural point of view and are bounded, on the western flank, by a wide intra-slope basin, located at 700 m of water depth, having a NE-SW trending. References Agip; 1977: Temperature sotterranee. Inventario dei dati raccolti dall’Agip durante la ricerca e la produzione di idrocarburi in Italia. Agip, Milano. Aiello G., Marsella E., Di Fiore V., D’Isanto C.; 2009: Stratigraphic and structural styles of half-graben offshore basins in Southern Italy: seismic stratigraphy and morpho-bathymetry of the Pleistocene sedimentary basin of the Salerno Valley. �������� �� ���������� Quaderni di Geofisica, 77 , 1-34. Bartole R., Savelli D., Tramontana M., Wezel F.C.; 1984: Structural and sedimentary features in the Tyrrhenian margin off Campania, southern Italy. ���� ������ Mar. Geol., 55 , 163-180. Fig. 1 – Digital Terrain Model south of the Sorrento Peninsula covering the northern sector of the Salerno Bay. Note the occurrence of a dense network of submarine gullies resulting from the prolongation of the drainage system occurring onshore in the Sorrento Peninsula. Note also the occurrence of a wide basin known as the Salerno Valley and two morpho-structural highs known as the northern and southern Sele highs.