GNGTS 2014 - Atti del 33° Convegno Nazionale

22 GNGTS 2014 S essione 3.1 Buccheri G., Capretto G., Di Donato V., Esposito P., Ferruzza G., Pescatore T.S., Russo Ermolli E., Senatore M.R., Sprovieri M., Bertoldo M., Carella D., Madonia G.; 2002: A high resolution record of the last deglaciation in the southern Tyrrhenian sea: environmental and climatic evolution. Mar. Geol., 186 , 447-470. D’Isanto C.; 2007: Acquisizione, elaborazione ed interpretazione geologica di datasets batimetrici Multibeam e correlazioni con profili sismici multicanale. Applicazioni al Golfo di Salerno (Tirreno meridionale). Tesi di Dottorato di Ricerca in Scienze ed Ingegneria del Mare, Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”. Ferraro L., Pescatore T.S., Russo B., Senatore M.R., Vecchione C., Coppa M.G., Di Tuoro A.; 1997: Studi di geologia marina del margine tirrenico: la piattaforma continentale tra Punta Licosa e Capo Palinuro (Tirreno meridionale). Boll. Soc. Geol. Ital., 116 , 473-485. Malinverno A. and Ryan W.B.F.; 1986: Extension in the Tyrrhenian sea and shortening in the Apennines as a result of arc migration driven by sinking of the lithosphere. Tectonics, 5 , 227-245. Krim H. and Viberg M. (1996) Two decades of array signal processing research. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 67-94. Sacchi M., Infuso S., Marsella E.; 1994: Late Pliocene-Early Pleistocene compressional tectonics in the offshore of Campania. Boll. Geof. Teor. Appl., 36 , 141-144. Trincardi F. and Field M.E.; 1992: Geometry, lateral variation and preservation of downlapping regressive shelf deposits: Eastern Tyrrhenian sea margin, Italy. Journ. of Sedimentary Petrology, 61 , 775-790. Trincardi F. and Zitellini N.; 1987: The rifting of the Tyrrhenian basin. Geomarine Letters, 7 , 1-6. Van Trees H.L. (2002) Optimum Array Processing. Wiley New York, 2002. Veen B.D.V. and Buckley K.M. (1988) Beamforming: a versatile approach to spatial filtering. IEEEASSP Magazine, 4-24, April 1988. THE REGIONAL GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE OF THE CAMPANIA CONTINENTAL MARGIN INFERRED BY DEEP MULTICHANNEL SEISMIC PROFILES G. Aiello 1 , E. Marsella 1 , V. Di Fiore 1 , A.G. Cicchella 2 1 Istituto per l’Ambiente Marino Costiero (IAMC), Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Napoli, Italy 2 Collaboratore Esterno, Università di Napoli “Federico II”, Italy New seismostratigraphic data on the regional geological structure of the Campania continental margin based on deep multichannel seismic profiles are here presented. Regional geological sections have been constructed along the Ischia-Capri-Volturno structural elongment of the Campania continental margin (Aiello et al. , 2011). While a large amount of densely spaced seismic surveys of the Naples Bay continental shelf have been previously performed, these sections have furnished a geologic framework of main sedimentary basins and interposed structural highs of the whole continental margin at a regional scale. A new seismostratigraphic setting is furnished for some lineaments, previously not described in detail, as the Capri and Volturno basins, the Capri structural high and the Ischia volcanic structural high. A correlation with the land geology has been attempted to obtain a better geological comprehension of the interpreted structures. Quaternary volcanism of the Campania margin has been discussed, since a large volcanic edifice buried below Quaternary volcanites, previously known only for its magnetic signature. The Naples Bay lies in the Campania Plain, located between the eastern side of the Tyrrhenian sea and the southern Apenninic chain and produced from the back-arc extension that accompanied the NE-verging accretion of the Apenninic thrust belt during the roll-back of the subducting foreland plate (Malinverno and Ryan, 1986; Faccenna et al. , 1996). The western sector of the Naples Bay is surrounded by the Phlegrean Fields volcanic district, where volcanism has been active for at least 50 ky. The present-day physiography of the volcanic district has been mainly controlled by volcano-tectonic events occurred after the emplacement of the Campanian Ignimbrite (CI), a huge pyroclastic flow erupted 35 ky B.P., when the area experienced a first