GNGTS 2014 - Atti del 33° Convegno Nazionale

GNGTS 2014 S essione 3.2 171 Conclusions. In this work we analyzed the magnetic field of the lithosphere above Europe using aeromagnetic data at different altitudes in order to study the European geological-structural feature mainly characterized by the wide suture range of Teisseyre-Tornquist or Trans-European Suture Zone (TESZ), bringing together the two main European platforms: the Paleozoic and Precambrian to the West to the East. The analytic signal and field moduli methods have been used for this analysis. These methods allow suppression of the dipolar aspects of the total intensity component of the magnetic field and the location of the maximum amplitude values​ above the source baricenter. These methods have been useful in the phase of interpretation of the central European anomaly (EML), which over the years has been described as the effect of a different depth between the Cambrian and Paleozoic platform (Ravat et al. , 1993), or caused by the coalescence of several sources with a high remanent component of magnetization in the central Europe and in contact at N-E with the Precambrian crust, which would also explain the nature of its polarity inversion (Taylor and Ravat, 1995), or, finally, as the effect of a single body reversely magnetized adjacent to the Teisseyre-Tornquist fan zone (Pucher and Wonik, 1998). The maps of the field and analytic signal moduli show that the maximum amplitudes in this area are positioned either along the fault line in the direction NW-SE, and along large Fig. 3 – Synthetic exemple of discontinuity between two bodies (K1,K2), magnetic field and analytic signal profile (a); magnetic field and analytic signal profile through the TESZ (b); magnetic field, field modulus and analytic signal modulus of central Europe at 100 km altitude (c). The TESZ is indicated by the dashed line, T magnetic lows by white and red squares.