GNGTS 2014 - Atti del 33° Convegno Nazionale

GNGTS 2014 S essione 3.2 187 by a low-angle thrust sheet assemblage, dissected by high-angle faults with normal/oblique kinematics. After the deformations associated to tectonic evolution of Calabrian Arc, during an intense post-orogenic extensional tectonic phase, several marine sedimentary basins were developed corresponding to main segments of the faults, arranged both parallel and transverse to the direction of the Arc and raised in blocks, giving a typical structure at horst and graben (Ghisetti, 1979; Ghisetti and Vezzani, 1979). In the study area, a Plio-Pleistocene marine succession of clays, sands, sandostones and conglomerates outcrops. In the northeastern sector of Terme Caronte, a terrigenous, evaporitic and carbonate mio-pliocenic sedimentary succession overlies the igneous-metamorphic basement of the Sila Unit. These deposits are strongly controlled by NW- strike-slip system, arranged in a right-hand en´echelon pattern (Tansi et al. , 2007). Slate and metapelite crop out in test area, in particular belonging to the Paleozoic Bagni Unit. The lowest group of the orogenic tectonic piling is formed by a Mesozoic carbonate complex. In literature, their outcrops are traditionally considered as “tectonic windows” of the Apennine Chain (e.g. Amodio-Morelli et al. , 1976; Tortorici, 1981; Tansi et al. , 2007). The Mesozoic-Tertiary continental-margin carbonates, outcropping in Terme Caronte district, were extruded within transpressional areas. The uplift the deep-seated units of the Chain can in fact generally be ascribed, at a regional scale, to reverse-oblique strike-slip movements along NW-SE regional shear zones (Tansi et al. , 2007). From hydrogeological point of you, the Terme Caronte area should be divided by three hydrogeological sectors. The recent debris deposits complex, along the main rivers and coastal plain, shows the most interesting geological characteristics in terms of resource volumes stored and favourable logistical conditions. The Plio-Pleistocene sandstone and conglomerate is characterized by high permeability and great thickness and, finally, the Mesozoic carbonate complex has a deepwater circulation mainly occurs in high-permeability fractured zones associated to the main faults. Geochemical data provided in the Terme Caronte district were acquired in order to define the origin and interactions of the circulating fluids and to investigate possible relationships with the local faults. Thermal and cold waters were sampled during the field work in the last year, showing outlet temperature ranging between 10°C and 39°C. The thermal waters sampled near Fig. 1 – The location of the geophysical profiles. Red marks indicate the MT stations, red lines the DERT stations and the blue lines the seismic profiles.