GNGTS 2014 - Atti del 33° Convegno Nazionale

temperature in depth (55-60 ° C). Finally, given the presence of elements that describe the waters of the spring Terme Caronte exchange of meteoric origin with water-carbonate rock type, it is assumed that the geothermal reservoir is fed by rainwater that infiltrates in the southern sector of the Sila Massif, penetrating into the metamorphic units showing a surface permeability for billing especially along the areas affected by regional tectonic. Once infiltrated, the water will deepen in the geothermal reservoir in the complex carbonate below a depth of about 2-3 km. Acknowledgements. The present activity has been performed in the frame of the VIGOR Project, aimed at assessing the geothermal potential and exploring geothermal resources of four regions in southern Italy. VIGOR is part of the activities of the Interregional Programme “Renewable Energies and Energy Savings FESR 2007-2013 – Axes I Activity line 1.4 “Experimental Actions in Geothermal Energy”. The authors acknowledge the management of VIGOR Project, and in particular Dr. Piezzo of MiSE-DGENRE (Directorate General for Nuclear Energy, Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency of the Ministry for Economic Development) and Dr. Brugnoli, Director of CNR-DTA (National Research Council of Italy, Department of Sciences of the EarthSystem and Environmental Technologies). The authors warmly thank citizen of Lamezia Town and the staff of the mayor for its istutional help and the Region Calabria energy office,. Morevoer, the authors thank the water company SORICAL for the support during the sampling. Moreover, the authors thank the President of Thermal spa Dott. Cataldi for Terme Caronte springs historical data and the interesting narrations about the spa history, belonging to his family since three centuries. 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