GNGTS 2014 - Atti del 33° Convegno Nazionale

Sacchi M., Insinga D., Milia A., Molisso F., Raspini A., Torrente M.M., Conforti A. (2005) Stratigraphic signature of the Vesuvius 79 AD event off the Sarno prodelta system, Naples Bay. Marine Geology, 222-223 , 443-469. Self S. and Sparks R.J.S. (1981) Tephra studies. D. Reidel Publishing Company, pp. 552. Simkin T. and Siebert L. (1994) Volcanoes of the world. Tucson Geoscience Press. for the Smithsonian Institution, ISBN 0 945005 12 1. Sulpizio R., Zanchetta G., Paterne M., Siani G.; 2003: A review of tephrostratigraphy in central and southern Italy during the last 65 ka. Il Quaternario, 16 , 91-108. Thon-That T., Singer B., Paterne M.; 2001: 40 Ar/ 39 Ar dating of latest Pleistocene (41 ka) marine tephra in the Mediterranean sea: implications for global climate records. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 184 , 645-658. Turney C.S.M., Blockley S.P.E., Lowe J.J., Wulf S., Branch N.P., Mastrolorenzo G., Swindle G., Nathan R., Pollard A.M.; 2008: Geochemical characterization of Quaternary tephras from the Campanian province, Italy. Quaternary International, 178 , 288-305. Integrated geophysical and hydraulic methodologies for the study of contaminant transport process in the subsoil: a sand box experiment L. Capozzoli 1,2 , G. De Martino 2 ,V. Giampaolo 2 , S. Parisi 2 , E. Rizzo 2 1 University of Basilicata, Potenza, Italy 2 Istituto di Metodologie per le Analisi Ambientali, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Tito (PZ), Italy Introduction. To analyze and study the problem of pollution and contamination of soil and groundwater due to industrial spills, landfills leakage or other accidents is very important understand the controlling contaminant transport processes. For this reason is of crucial importance the environmental assessment of contaminated areas to minimize the risk to soil and groundwater health. There are a lot of hydrological and physical variables that play a key role into the fluid transport behavior such as, flow pathways, flow velocity and hydraulic conductivity. So, subsurface contaminant movement depends on both the site environmental, physical, chemical, and biological characteristics and the contaminant chemical properties. Generally, subsurface transport properties are affected by significant heterogeneity, depending on rock texture, pore-space geometry, and mineralogy, consequently, solute transport processes show a heterogeneous behavior, associated with strong spatial- temporal variability of solute concentrations. The environmental geophysics provides a wide spectrum of tools to identify the most relevant hydrogeophysical parameters able to study the process occurring in the subsoil with good reliability at time and costs reduced. Moreover, obtained the physical characteristics of the soil, is possible define and optimize the simulated models to study and manage the contamination phenomenon. A lot of geophysical research is based on the application of high resolution geophysical methods for the characterization of flow and transport. In particular, several works have shown the usefulness of coupling geophysical prospecting and tracer test as valuable tool for imaging solute transport processes in the subsurface (Binley et al. , 2002; Slater et al. , 2002; Martinez- Pagan et al. , 2010; Boleve et al. , 2011). The key feature of the geophysical approach is the non-invasiveness and repeatability of the methods with a high sampling density and different resolution. This is particularly true if geophysical imaging methods are applied in an automated, time-lapse manner, using modern data acquisition systems and processing techniques. A sand box was built at the CNR-IMAA Hydrogeosite laboratory in Marsico Nuovo (PZ) where a controlled diffusion/infiltration experiment is performed in order to monitor in time lapse the contaminant flow with electromagnetics data. In this experiment we have simulated a salt infiltration in a sandy background where 84 steel electrodes are installed to investigate the GNGTS 2014 S essione 3.3 215