GNGTS 2015 - Atti del 34° Convegno Nazionale
94 GNGTS 2015 S essione 1.2 used in the covariance function and the number of GNSSsites within that distance. We also provide links to the time series of that site and to the logsheet in IGS format. These logsheets are archived at the EPN Central Bureau, to emphasize that the Italian network is seen as a densification of a larger network on a European scale. Fig. 1 also shows as additional layer the geometry of the Composite Sources, as described in the DISS 3.1.1 DataBase. Fig. 2 shows for the same area the deformation rates, computed at each site which satisfies our statistical criteria of reliability. The compressional strain ratesare marked in red and extension in blue. Fig. 3 gives a contour map (in mm/yr) obtained by interpolating on a regular grid the vertical velocities of the GNSS sites and using the coastal profile as a mask. The map of individual velocities is also available as aseparate layer. Downloadable kml files. We make available the following kml files, which are regularly updated every week together with the weekly processing of the network. • italstrain.kml: map of the compressional and extensional eigenvalues of the strain rate tensor at the GNSS sites • ital_hor_vel.kml; ital_ver_vel: horizontal and vertical velocities measured at the GNSS sites • contour_vertical.kml: contour map of the vertical motion, in mm/yr., blanked outside the coastal line • italstrain_balloon.kml: the balloon associated to each GNSS site, containing the numeric data and ancillary information (link to time series, station logsheet, contact, last update). Conclusions. We have synthetically presented an updated database for velocities of 415 permanent GNSS stations in the Italian territory and the implied deformation maps. A basic feature of this work is the full compliance with the latest Guidelines as to processing techniques and reference frame, ensuring the maximum accuracy. Likewise the computation of the implied deformation rates is based on statistical algorithms which enable full error control and take into Fig. 3 – Map of the interpolated vertical movements (a); zoom on the area of L’Aquila (b). a b
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