GNGTS 2015 - Atti del 34° Convegno Nazionale

profiles that were capable of exploring the subsurface down to ca. 150-200 m depth. Further, the fundamental resonance frequencies and the depth to the major impedance contrast of the investigated sites were obtained. Accordingly, it is possible to carry out a sufficient number of such measurements in order to derive reliable pseudo-2D sections, several kilometers-long, so emphasizing the possible occurrence of lateral shear wave velocity (and amplitude) variations, which will likely reflect the stratigraphic changes. Although we did not observe in the reconstructed Vs pseudo-2D section the velocity values that should be expected for a strict definition of the position of the seismic bedrock (i.e. Vs≥ 800 m/s), it is however possible to recognize a pseudo-bedrock located roughly at 100-150 m depth and characterized by Vs values between 400 and 500 m/s. As a benefit result, the subsurface characterization beyond the traditional 30 m represents a very useful information toward a better urban planning and to a more realistic evaluation of the local site response, especially in view of anticipating new laws that may in the future prescribe to extend this kind of investigations to higher depths. The comparison between the results described and discussed above with those of the companion paper (see Palmieri et al., 2015), suggests that the shallow stratigraphic features documented in this work can be directly associated with the deep ongoing tectonic activity of the blind thrusts throughout the Quaternary. Aknowledgements. This study has benefited from funding provided by the Italian Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri - Dipartimento di Protezione Civile (DPC). This paper does not necessarily represent the official opinion and policies of the DPC. References Abu Zeid, N., Bignardi, S., Caputo, R., Mantovani, A., Tarabusi, G., Santarato, G.; 2014: Shear-wave velocity profiles across the Ferrara arc: a contribution for assessing the recent activity of blind tectonic structures . Proceedings of the 33th National Convention National Group Solid Earth Geophysics. ISBN 978-88-940442-2-5. Abu Zeid, N., S. Bignardi, S., Caputo, R., Santarato, G., Stefani., M.; 2012: Electrical Resistivity Tomography investigation on co-seismic liquefaction and fracturing at San Carlo, Ferrara Province, Italy . Annals of Geophysics. Vol. 55; p. 713-716, ISSN: 2037-416X, DOI: 10.4401/ag-6149. AGIP MINERARIA; 1959: Campi gassiferi padani . Atti Convegno Giacimenti Gassiferi dell’Europa Occidentale. Acc. ���� ������� �� ��� ������� ���� ������� Naz. Lincei, 2, pp. 45-497. Aki, K.; 1957: Space and time spectra of stationary stochastic waves, with special reference to microtremors , Bull. Earthquake Res. Inst. 35, 415–456. Aki, K.; 1964: A note on the use of microseisms in determining the shallow structures of the earth’s crust , Geophysics 29, 665–666. Amorosi, A.; 2008: Delineating aquifer geometry within a sequence stratigraphic framework: evidence from the Quaternary of the Po River Basin, Northern Italy . In: Amorosi, A., Haq, B.U., Sabato, L. (Eds.), Advances in Application of Sequence Stratigraphy in Italy, vol. 1. GeoActa Special Publication, pp. 1–14. Amorosi A. and Colalongo M.L.; 2005: The linkage between alluvial and coeval nearshore marine successions: evidence from the Late Quaternary record of the Po River Plain, Italy . In: Blum, M.D., Marriott, S.B., Leclair, S.F. (Eds.), Fluvial Sedimentology VII, vol. 35. ������� ����������� �� ��� ������������� ����������� �� Special Publication of the International Association of Sedimentologists, pp. 257–275. AQUATER; 1976: Elaborazione dei dati geofisici relativi alla Dorsale Ferrarese . Rapporto inedito per ENEL. AQUATER; 1978: Interpretazione dei dati geofisici delle strutture plioceniche e Quaternarie della Pianura Padana e Veneta . Rapporto inedito per ENEL. AQUATER-ENEL; 1981: Elementi di neotettonica del territorio italiano . Volume speciale, Roma. Asten, M. W., and Henstridge J. D. (1984): Array estimators and the use of microseisms for reconnaissance of sedimentary basins , Geophysics 49, 1828–1837. Bigi G., Cosentino D., Parotto M., Sartori R., and Scandone P.; 1992: Structural Model of Italy, scale 1:500.000 . Prog. Fin. Geodinamica, Quad. “La RicercaScientifica”, C.N.R., 114 (3), Roma. Boccaletti M., Bonini M., Corti M., Gasperini G.P., Martelli L., Piccardi L., Severi P., Vannucci G.; 2004: Carta sismotettonica della Regione Emilia-Romagna scala 1:250000 . Note illustrative, A cura di M. Boccaletti e L. Martelli. ��������� �������� ����� S.EL.C.A, Firenze, 2004. Boccaletti M., Corti G. and Martelli, L.; 2011: Recent and active tectonics of the external zone of the Northern Apennines (Italy) . ���� �� ����� ���� ������������ ����������� �������������� Int. J. Earth Sci. (Geologische Rundschau), 100:1331-1348. Ferrara province – RER; 2007: Risorse idriche sotterranee della Provincia di Ferrara . Provincia di Ferrara, Servizio GNGTS 2015 S essione 1.2 119