GNGTS 2015 - Atti del 34° Convegno Nazionale

Conclusions and future works. A gravity survey, for a total of 274 stations whose gravity datum has been referred to an eccentric point of the absolute station of Medicina (Bo), has been carried out ����� � �������� ���� ��� �� along a transect (ca. 170 km 2 ) in the eastern sector Ferrara province, ������� between Traghetto (near Molinella) and Formignana. The gravity data have been corrected according to standard procedures and the error of the Bouguer gravity anomalies is resulted of the order of ±0.035 mGal. In order to separate the several sources of anomalies different methods have been used: upward continuation, vertical and horizontal gradients, and polynomial surface fitting. The Bouguer and residual anomalies, located along the profile defined by the extreme ESAC stations, have been modelled in 2D. The reconstructed density model distribution documented in this research is in good agreement with the occurrence, in the eastern sector of the Po Plain subsurface, of well known major fault-related folds and associated blind thrusts (i.e. Argenta and Ferrara anticlines, and Monestirolo structure). In addition, the described and discussed results suggest a good accordance with the shallow stratigraphic features documented in the companion paper (see Mantovani et al. , 2015), which can be related with the deep ongoing tectonic activity of the blind thrusts throughout the Quaternary. Aknowledgements. This study has benefited from funding provided by the Italian Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri - Dipartimento di Protezione Civile (DPC). This paper does not necessarily represent DPC official opinion and policies. References Agocs B.; 1951: Least squares residual anomaly separation , Geophysics. 16 (4), 686-696. Banerjee B., Das Gupta S.P.; 1977: Gravitational attraction of a rectangular parallelepiped . Geophysics, 42(5), 1053-1055. Barrows L.J. and Fett J.D.; 1991: A sloping wedge technique for calculating gravity terrain . ����������� �� ���� Geophysics, 56 (7), 1061-1063. Bigi G., Cosentino D., Parotto M., Sartori R., and Scandone P.; 1992: Structural Model of Italy, scale 1:500.000 . Prog. Fin. Geodinamica, Quad. “La RicercaScientifica”, C.N.R., 114 (3), Roma. Bignami C., Burrato P., Cannelli V., Chini M., Falcucci E., Ferretti A., Gori S., Kyriakopoulos C., Melini D., Moro M., Novali F., Saroli M., Stramondo S., Valensise G. and Vannoli P.; 2012: Coseismic deformation pattern of the Emilia 2012 seismic sequence imaged by Radarsat-1 interferometry . Annals of Geophys., 55(4), 788-795, doi: 10.4401/ag-6157. Boccaletti M., Bonini M., Corti G., Gasperini P., Martelli L., Piccardi L., Severi P., Vannucci G.; 2004: Note illustrative alla Carta Sismotettonica della Regione Emilia-Romagna . �������� ��������� ������� ��� ����� Servizio Geologico Sismico dei Suoli Burrato P., Ciucci F. and Valensise G.; 2003: An inventory of river anomalies in the Po Plain, n������� ����� orthern Italy : evidence for active blind thrust faulting. Annals of Geophys., 46 (5), 865-882. Burrato P., Vannoli P., Fracassi U., Basili R. and Valensise G.; 2012: Is blind faulting truly invisible? Tectonic- controlled drainage evolution in the epicentral area of the May 2012, Emilia-Romagna earthquake sequence (northern Italy) . Annals of Geophys., 55(4), 525-531. Caputo R.; 2005: Ground effects of large morphogenic earthquakes . J. Geodyn., 40(2-3), 113-118. Caputo R., Pellegrinelli A., Bignami C., BondesanA., Mantovani A., Stramondo S. and Russo P.; 2015: High-precision levelling, DInSAR and geomorphological effects in the Emilia 2012 epicentral area . �������������� ���������� Geomorphology, 235(2015), 106-117. Castiglioni G.B., Biancotti A., Bondesan M., Cortemiglia G. C., Elmi C., Favero V., Gasperi G., Marchetti G., Orombelli G., Pellegrini G. B. and Tellini C.; 1999: Geomorphologic map of the Po Plain, Italy, at a scale of 1:250 000 . Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 24, 1115-1120. Cerutti G. and De Maria P.; 1992: Misura assoluta dell’accelerazione di gravità a Medicina (Bo) . �������� ������� Rapporto Tecnico Interno, R355, IMGC Torino. CNR-PFG (Progetto Finalizzato Geodinamica): Synthetic structural-kinematic map of Italy, Structural model of Italy, Sheet n. 5 . ��������� ��������� ���� S.El.Ca., Florence, 1991 Dampney C.N.G.; 1969: The equivalent source technique . Geophysics, 34(1), 39-53 Fantoni R. and Franciosi R.; 2008: 8 geological sections crossing Po Plain and Adriatic foreland . Rendiconti online Soc. Geol. Italiana, 3(1), 367–368. Fantoni R. and Franciosi R.; 2010: Tectono-sedimentary setting of the Po Plain and Adriatic foreland . Rend. Fis. Acc. Lincei, 21 (Suppl.1), S197-S209. Guidoboni E., Ferrari G., Mariotti D., Comastri A., Tarabusi G. and Valensise G.; 2007: CFTI14Med, Catalogue 132 GNGTS 2015 S essione 1.2