GNGTS 2015 - Atti del 34° Convegno Nazionale

Mantovani E., Viti M., Cenni N., Babbucci D., Tamburelli C., Baglione M., D’Intinosante V.; 2015a: Seismotectonics and present seismic hazard in the Tuscany-Romagna-Marche-Umbria Apennines (Italy) . J. Geodynamics, 89 , 1-14. Mantovani E., Viti M., Babbucci D., Tamburelli C., Cenni N., Baglione M., D’Intinosante V.; 2015b: Present tectonic setting and spatio-temporal distribution of seismicity in the Apennine belt . ���� �� ������������ Int. J. Geosciences, 6 , 429-454. Mirabella F., Barchi M., LupattelliA., Stucchi E., Ciaccio M.G.; 2008: Insights on the seismogenic layer thickness from the upper crust structure of the Umbria-Marche Apennines (central Italy) . Tectonics, 27 , TC1010, doi:10.1029/ 2007TC002134. Viti M., Mantovani E., Babbucci D., Tamburelli C.; 2006: Quaternary geodynamics and deformation pattern in the Southern Apennines: implications for seismic activity . Boll. Soc. Geol. It., 125 , 273-291. Viti M., Mantovani E., Babbucci D., Tamburelli C.; 2011: Plate kinematics and geodynamics in the Central Mediterranean . �� ������������ J. Geodynamics, 51 , 190-204. Viti M., Mantovani E., Cenni N., Vannucchi A.; 2012: Post-seismic relaxation: an example of earthquake triggering in the Apennine Belt (1915-1920). J. Geodynamics, 61 , 57-67. Viti M., Mantovani E., Cenni N., Vannucchi A.; 2013: Interaction of seismic sources in the Apennine belt . Phys. Chem. Earth, 63 , 25-35. Viti M., Mantovani E., Babbucci D., Tamburelli C., Cenni N., Baglione M., D’Intinosante V.; 2015: Belt-parallel shortening in the Northern Apennines and seismotectonic implications . Int. J. Geosciences, 6 , 938-961. 140 GNGTS 2015 S essione 1.2