GNGTS 2015 - Atti del 34° Convegno Nazionale
GNGTS 2015 S essione 2.1 11 du Centre Européen de Géodynamique et de Séismologie 15, Luxembourg, 99 pp. bleus/. GruppoAnalisi Dati Sismici; 2015: Catalogo dei terremoti della Sicilia Orientale - Calabria Meridionale (1999-2015) . INGV, Catania :// php Ordaz M., Martinelli F., D’Amico V. and Meletti C.; 2013: CRISIS2008: A Flexible Tool to Perform Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment . Seism. Res. Lett., 84 (3), 495-504, DOI: 10.1785/0220120067. Pace B., Visini F.and Peruzza L.; 2015: FiSH: MATLAB tools to turn Fault data into Seismic Hazard models . Seism. Res. Lett., submitted. Pagani M., Monelli D., Weatherill G., Danciu L., Crowley H., Silva V., Henshaw P., Butler L., Nastasi M., Panzeri L., Simionato M. and Vigano D.; 2014: OpenQuake Engine: An Open Hazard (and Risk) Software for the Global Earthquake Model . Seism. Res. Lett., 85 (3), 692-702, DOI: 10.1785/0220130087. Stucchi M., Meletti C., Montaldo V., Crowley H., Calvi G.M. and Boschi E.; 2011: Seismic Hazard Assessment (2003- 2009) for the Italian Building Code. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 101 (4), 1885-1911. Tusa G., and Langer H.¸ 2015:, Prediction of ground motion parameters for the volcanic area of Mount Etna. J. of seismology . DOI: 10.1007/s10950-015-9508-x. Wiemer S.; 2001: A software package to analyze seismicity: ZMAP. Seism. Res. Lett., 72 (2), 374-3833-170. Zöller G., Hainzl S. and Holschneider M.; 2008: Recurrent large earthquakes in a fault region: what can be inferred from small and intermediate events? Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 98 (6), 2641–2651. PROBABILITY OF EARTHQUAKE OCCURRENCE FROM ELECTRIC ANOMALIES RECORDED BY CIEN C. Fidani 1,2,3 1 SARA electronic instruments s.r.l., Perugia, Italy 2 Osservatorio Sismico “A. Bina”, Perugia, Italy 3 Central Italy Electromagnetic Network, San Procolo, Italy Introduction. The Central Italy Electromagnetic Network (CIEN) recorded strong Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) signals at the time of the Emilia earthquakes in 2012 (Fidani and Martinelli, 2015), and strong signals were recorded by the network at the time of the L’Aquila earthquakes in 2009 (Fidani, 2011a). CIEN is presently composed of 14 stations including Trasacco and Urbino which were made operative in March and May of 2014, in L’Aquila and Pesaro-Urbino provinces, respectively. The Pozzuolo del Friuli (Udine) Station from autumn 2014 and the Gubbio (Perugia) Station from January 2015 have been out of order. All 14 stations were equipped with two wide band amplifiers each in ELF with a range of 4 to 1000 Hz and in VLF with a range of 1 to 25 kHz. Whereas, four stations, Chieti, Fermo, Città di Castello (Perugia) and Urbino (Pesaro-Urbino) monitor LF in a range of 1 to 50-100 kHz. VLF and LF ranges have allowed to monitor several sub-ionospheric signals by various VLF and LF transmitters (Fidani, 2011b). Characteristic ELF signals were monitored in relation to seismic activity in Fermo, Marche Region, Italy, from January 2006 to September 2015 (Fidani, 2009). These signals were detected also during low seismic activity at the Perugia CIEN Station from October 2008 to September 2015 (Fidani, 2010). A CIEN update is shown in Fig. 1. Increases in the seismic activity rates occurred near both Pietralunga and Massa Martana, in the region of Umbria. In the Pietralunga area, the seismic swarm started on April 15, 2010, with a shock of M = 3.8 (Marzorati et al ., 2014). The swarm started in October 2008 and it had an epicentre about 35 km north of the Perugia Station. Several shocks of M > 3 have occurred near the same epicentre over the following years and, at the same time, many ELF oscillations have been recorded by the Perugia Station. An increase in the seismic activity rate occurred in the Massa Martana area from mid-March 2014 and on March 26, 2014 there was a recorded shock of M = 3 (Bina Observatory, 2014). Its swarm epicentre was about 45 km south of the Perugia
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