GNGTS 2015 - Atti del 34° Convegno Nazionale

16 GNGTS 2015 S essione 2.1 this note derives from it. All the documentations of intermediate phases (reports, presentations) are available for the whole scientific community, stored on the project’s website. The specific objectives pursued by the both the 2012 and 2014 projects are: 1. to develop a repository of probabilistic and deterministic seismic hazard assessments (SHA); 2. to carry out low-cost geophysical investigations based on active and passive techniques on about 30-40 RAN accelerometric recording stations, improving the estimate of the soil response to earthquakes, through quantitative description of the shear wave velocity profile obtained from quantitative measurements; 3. to promote the use and the development of surface/borehole instruments to have a better site characterization; 4. to exploit the results of the soil response analysis to validate the soil classification at the accelerometric stations; 5. to update the ITACAand OASIS public databases with site information at accelerometric stations, collected in this project, to extend the use and improve the quality of the Italian strong motion data; 6. to provide extended seismic history of several recording sites of the Italian accelerometric network (RAN) in terms of macroseismic intensity and strong-motion parameters, to be used for validate the hazard studies; 7. to propose a methodology to evaluate intensity data points during long seismic sequences, taking into account the increasing buildings vulnerability; 8. to test different approaches to evaluate fully site-specific probabilistic hazard assessments, including site effects at local and regional scales; 9. to apply and develop innovative methods for PSHA in the Calabria region, including new seismotectonic models, interaction among faults and near source effects; 10. to validate and rank different PSHA studies, based on several qualified ground motion parameters; 11. to widen the case histories of induced seismicity in Italy, with prototypal data archives; 12. to upgrade the analysis on seismic risk perception with statistically controlled surveys. The S2-2014 project was organized into 8 main Tasks, developed by activities proposals of 8 Research Units, as given in Tab. 1. The activities on liquefaction, implemented in Task 8 of the past S2-2012 project, have not been continued in 2014-15, as similar activities were on-going under other agreements (DPC- Regione Emilia Romagna; DPC-Reluis 2013-2015). Task 1 developed a repository usable for SHA analysis, including the SYNTHESIS database results of deterministic simulations of earthquake ruptures for major recent Italian earthquakes. Task 2 has been devoted to the improvement of site-information at strong-motion recording stations. The aim was to correctly take into account the site responses for site-specific PSHA (Task 4) and provide proper data for the PSHAvalidation test (Task 6). These tasks involved most of the Project RUs (5 out of 8, see Tab. 1) and have been carried out in cooperation with other institutions and projects, e.g. DPC (GEORAN project), INGV and OGS institutional activities. Task 3 developed some tools to integrate instrumental data with macroseismic observation, from the engineering perspective too. The goals of Task 4 and Task 5 remained unchanged with respect to the S2-2012 Project. In Task 4 a major emphasis has been given to the evaluation of site response at municipal level, a fundamental ingredient for site-specific PSHA analysis and for correctly using the observed ground motions in the validations performed in Task 6. For this reason, a new research unit (RU8) has been involved on this topic, too. For the importance of Task 6, devoted to the validation of the hazard studies, one more research unit (RU7) has been involved in the project.