GNGTS 2015 - Atti del 34° Convegno Nazionale
GNGTS 2015 S essione 2.1 17 Given the growing attention on the induced seismicity, the activities of Task 7 have been increased and one more team (embedded in Research Unit RU3) has been added. For Task 8, during the S2-2014 project, the DPC communication needs and strategies have been taken into account. The project hosted also uncountable internal meetings, and three specific workshops; two of them marked the very beginning and very end of the project (DW1 - on “site-specific characterization” held in Milan, May 29, 2014, and DW3 - on “induced seismicity” in Rome, June 12, 2015); a restricted meeting on “aftershocks inclusion in seismic hazard” substituted an event originally planned on hazard validation, as an international workshop on the same topic was held by Eucentre in Pavia, in 2015. Tab. 1 summarizes the research units involved and the theoretical funds allocation for each Task; all the research units have anticipated the funds. Up to now (September 28, 2015), the final submission of economic reports by the RUs reached about 70% of the total allocated budget of S2-2014, with ~253,000 out of 358,000 Euros. It is worthwhile noticing the contemporaneous presence of different Research Units on some tasks: it implies a huge effort of coordination, as documented by the long list of meetings/ appointments reported in the Project Agenda. Notably, all the Research Units and directors/ DPC representative have worked in an agreed and cooperative manner, increasing the quantity and quality of results. During the project some collaborations have been activated with other external projects and institutions that deal with similar issues. In particular, there were some interaction with other DPC-Reluis Projects (for instance, on the procedures relative to the deconvolution analysis, concerning risk perception and on the utilization of aftershocks in PSHA), with the Project GEORAN (DPC and CNR-IGAG) for the site characterization activity, again with the DPC Communication staff, for the risk perception topic, and with MiSE ( Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico) and DPC for induced seismicity. Tab. 1 - Tasks, RUs and funds assigned by the S2-2014 Project; funds are indicative as they have to be reimbursed on the basis of detailed expenses reports, due on Sept. 4, 2015.
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