GNGTS 2015 - Atti del 34° Convegno Nazionale

18 GNGTS 2015 S essione 2.1 Spotlight on results. The S2-2014 Project produced 20 deliverables, the full list is given in Tab. 2. All the deliverables in format of report/electronic files have been released before the project end (June 30, 2015); some websites (e.g. Synthesis, ITACA, S2in, Nisbas) completed their upgrade during the summer. Tab. 2 - Deliverables released by the S2-2014 Project; they are accessible from the web page site/ingvdpc2014progettos2/deliverables or given as summaries in the Section 2 of the Final Report, at https://sites. Deliverables are reports, electronic files and websites, except those in the grey area that were meetings. N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Task 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 6 7 8 8 8 2 5 7 Deliverable D1.1 Earthquake Modelling collected by S2-2014 D1.2 Update of SYNTHESIS D2.1 Site-specific characterization of selected ITACA stations D2.2 Surface/borehole seismic data D2.3 Ground motion variability of the stations selected for PSHA model validation D2.4 Deconvolution analyses of newly characterized accelerometric sites D3.1 Macroseismic and ground motion: site-specific conversion rules D3.2 Macroseismic intensity accounting for vulnerability changes during seismic sequences D4.1 Site-specific PSHA for previously selected sites D4.2 Site-specific PSHA for newly selected sites, guidelines D4.3 Site-response on true/virtual reference station D5.1 Seismic hazard map in Southern Italy (revised) D6.1 Validation of PSHA: methodological updates and new results D7.1a On induced Seismicity in Italy: the new website “S2in” D7.1b On induced seismicity in Italy: recent studies D8.1 Questionnaire for risk perception (revised) D8.2 Collected data in digital format D8.3 Survey results DW1 Site-characterization of accelerometric stations DW2 Aftershocks in PSHA DW3 On induced seismicity in Italy Authors D’Amico M., Maini C., Puglia R., Russo E., Pacor F., Luzi L. idem Luzi L., Felicetta C., Puglia R., Russo E., Pacor F., Maria M. D’Amico, Giovanni G. Lanzano and Task2 Working Group: Albarello D., Barani S., Barnaba C., Castellaro S., Gallipoli M.R., Laurenzano G., Massa M., Moscatelli M. Mucciarelli M., Priolo E., Romanelli M., Laurenzano G., Garbin M., Stabile T.A., Gallipoli M.R., Martelli L. Lanzano G., D’Amico M., Felicetta C., Luzi L., Puglia R., Pacor F. Castellaro S., Albarello D. Gomez Capera A.A., Locati M., Fiorini E., Bazzurro P., Luzi L., Massa M., Puglia R., Santulin M. Grimaz S., Barazza F., Del Pin E., Malisan P. Barani S., Spallarossa D.with contributions of ITACA and Task 2 Working Groups idem Laurenzano G., Priolo E., Barnaba C. Akinci A., Burrato P., Tiberti M.M., Vannoli P., Mariucci M.T., Murru M., Falcone G., Taroni M., Herrero A., Spagnuolo E., D’Amico S. Albarello D., Peruzza L., Goretti A. with contributions of RU7 EUCENTRE (Bazzurro P., Fiorini E.), ITACA team, and S2-2014 Task 2-4 Working Groups Priolo E., Mucciarelli M., Laurenzano G., with contributions by: Caffagni E., Carannante S., Cattaneo M., D’Alema E., Frapiccini M., Gallipoli M., Garbin M., Ladina C., Marzorati, Monachesi G., and Stabile T. Braun T., Buttinelli M., Caciagli M., Cattaneo M., Improta L., Marzorati S., Monachesi G., Piccinini D., Saccorotti G., Scrocca D. Crescimbene M., La Longa F., Camassi R., Pino N.A., Pessina V., Cerbara L., Crescimbene C., Peruzza L. idem idem RU 2 (INGV-MI) with contribution of S2 Directors & DPC Representative S2 Directors & DPC Representative RU 1 (OGS) with contribution of MiSE and S2 Directors & DPC Representative