GNGTS 2015 - Atti del 34° Convegno Nazionale

20 GNGTS 2015 S essione 2.1 events . Clustered and de-clustered catalogues have been also tested, showing that the former leads to increased ground motions in PGA at 10% exceedance probability in 50 years. The development of tools and the data collection were accomplished within Task 1, Task 2 and Task 3 with the general goal of exploring the use of data of different nature, useful for hazard purposes. With the aim of promoting the use of synthetic seismograms as an alternative to strong-motion records, synthetic waveforms and input parameters were collected from previous deterministic simulations of past Italian seismic events; they have been validated through the comparison with recorded strong motions, and included in SYNTHESIS database ( . Once more under Task 2, a database, called NISBAS (Network of Italian Surface-Borehole Accelerometers and Seismometers) has been set-up, aimed at starting to fill a research gap related to coupled accelerometers at the surface and in borehole. Within Task 3, various applications on macroseismic intensity data have been proposed. A web-tool, Rosetta, aims at linking intensity and strong motion data related to the same event in an interactive and innovative way. Some preliminary relationships between ground motion and macroseismic intensity are thus derived for the Italian territory. A joint effort between Task 3 and Task 6 has lead to analyses on spatial correlations applied to macroseismic fields, in order to derive some complementary information on completeness of accelerometric recordings. Attempts to evaluate intensity values during long seismic sequences have been also performed, analysing the cumulative damages on masonry buildings . Task 7 promoted several activities on induced seismicity in Italy, mainly devoted to widen the knowledge of phenomena, not limited to the scientific audience, and to gather basic data sets that can be useful when treating anthropogenic seismic events. The activities culminated in a workshop, held in cooperation with DPC and MiSE whose materials are available for the whole community, from both the Task 7 and Project websites ( and italy). Last but not the least, in Task 8, devoted to risk perception, a survey questionnaire, initially developed under S2-2012 project, has been enhanced in order to take into consideration the building vulnerability, and to reach a wider, statistically significant sample of Italian citizens . The activity has benefitted from an additional economic contribution by INGV Roma 1 Section. The task presents a first analysis of the data and the comparison between the perceived risk and the “real risk” that can be a useful tool in targeting future campaigns to reduce seismic risk. Lights, shadows and acknowledgements. The project S2 “Constraining observations into Seismic Hazard” has faced several difficulties and polemics during its accomplishment, culminated with the cut of one-year planning (applied to all the projects of the Seismological Programme which included S2, as well as to the projects of the twinVolcanological Programme), and changes of direction/evaluation/control criteria on the run. We believe they have been fixed, always giving priority to transparent choices, and to the interests of the whole Italian scientific community, that is facing heavy reductions in funds and human resources, and that more than ever now needs coordinated efforts and participated rules. A true thorn in the flash of the project pertains to the administrative issues of working in anticipation of funds; they really impacted especially during the first phase of the project, and for the non-INGV research teams. At the moment we wrote this note (late Sept 2015, i.e. 2 months after the project end), the 1 st tranche of funds has not been transferred yet. Conversely, we believe there was an excess of reports, with respect to the real needs of a research activity. Concerning the lights, the project ended with a huge set of new data, new ideas, and new open issues, available for the whole scientific and non-scientific communities. Minutes and materials have been promptly made available on the Project website; it remains, with Skype sessions and mail messages, one of the favourite means of communication between the project’s participants. A posteriori, even if the number of users and sessions is not huge (see Fig. 1), the