GNGTS 2015 - Atti del 34° Convegno Nazionale

GNGTS 2015 S essione 2.1 35 Tramutoli V., Aliano C., Corrado R., Filizzola C., Genzano N., Lisi M., Martinelli G. and Pargola N.; 2013: On the possible origin of thermal infrared radiation (TIR) anomalies in earthquake prone areas observed using robust satellite techniques (RST) . Chemical Geology, 339 , 157-168, DOI 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2012.10.042. Tramutoli V., Corrado R., Filizzola C., Genzano N., Lisi M., Paciello R. and Pergola N.; 2015: Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica e Applicata, 56 , 2, 275-294, DOI 10.4430/bgta0150. Vartanyan G.S., Bredehoeft J.D. and Roeloffs E.; 1992: Hydrogeological methods for studying tectonic stress . Sovetskaya Geologia, 9 , 3-12 (in Russian). Velleman, P. F. and Hoaglin, D. C.; 1981: Applications, basics, and computing of exploratory data analysis . Boston, MA: Duxbury Press. RADON TIME SERIES IN DIFFERENT SITE: FURTHER INSIGHTS A. Riggio 1 , A.Tamaro 2 , M.Santulin 3 , F. Gentile 1 1 Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e Geofisica Sperimentale – OGS, Trieste, Italy 2 Dottorando dell’Università di Udine presso l’OGS, Trieste, Italy 3 Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione di Milano, Italy Introduction. In the framework of the UR. 2 of the project DPC-INGV S3 “Short term earthquake prediction and preparation“ (Albarello, 2013), a database, containing radon data collected and provided by scientific institutions or volunteers, accompanied, when available, by meteorological data recorded by the radon instruments, or from meteorological stations located near the site of detection of radon, was created. The database has 3,961 sites and more than one million records (Martinelli et al. , 2013; Riggio et al. , 2013). The collected data are related to radon acquired in the air, soil and water, for different purposes (health, environmental, seismological). Consequently, also the types of instruments are different and can be used in active or passive mode, in the first case recording the amount of radon present in the environment, and in the second one aspiring radon through an incorporated pump. They consist of commercially available monitors, monitor prototypes from scientific institutions or amateurs, or by commercially available dosimeters. Another important information to evaluate the data, reported in the database, is given by the characteristics of the site, that is, if the instrument is located in a well, in a basement, in homes, or on the ground, with a probe that aspires in the soil. The sampling time is between ten minutes and twelve hours for the measures considered continuous, and between fifteen days and one year for the discretized ones. When the measurements were made in water, the temperature, conductivity, pH and EH values, if available, are listed as well. For all types of measurement, if available, also the meteorological data are presented. The key points of the data analysis were the definition of anomaly and its characteristics (Precursor Time, Amplitude, Duration), the estimation of the influence of environmental parameters and the way to select predictable earthquakes. Literature on the possible connection between the variations of radon and the crustal deformation is considerable, because radon was identified as a possible precursor already in 1920 (Petrini et al. , 2012; Riggio et al. , 2013; Riggio and Santulin, 2015; Martinelli et al. , 2015). Once established a definition of anomaly and of how to obtain it from the experimental data, the first approach was that of identifying univocal criteria for the determination of anomalies (Riggio et al. , 2014). When anomalies are systematically studied, it is evident that the process of preparation and occurrence of large earthquakes influences the characteristic of the anomaly, in particular the Duration and the Precursor time of the observed anomalies, that can range, according to earthquakes characteristics, from one to several years in the phase of long-medium term,