GNGTS 2015 - Atti del 34° Convegno Nazionale
Galli P., Giaccio B. and Messina P.;2010: The 2009 central Italy earthquake seen through 0.5 Myr-long tectonic history of the L’Aquila faults system . Quaternary Science Reviews, 29 , 3768-3789. Gaudiosi I., Del Monaco F., Milana G. and Tallini M.; 2013: Site effects in the Aterno River Valley (L’Aquila, Italy): comparison between empirical and 2D numerical modeling starting from April 6th 2009 MW 6.3 earthquake . Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 12 :, 697-716. GEMINA;1962: Ligniti e torbe dell’Italia continentale . ILTE Ed. Torino, 319 pp. Gosar A. and Lenart A.; 2010: Mapping the thickness of sediments in the Ljubljana Moor basin (Slovenia) using microtremors . Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 8 , 501–518. Gruppo di Lavoro MS–AQ; 2010: Microzonazione sismica per la ricostruzione dell’area aquilana . Regione Abruzzo - Dipartimento della Protezione Civile, L’Aquila, 3 vol. and Cd-rom. Ibs-von Seht M. and Wohlenberg J.; 1999: Microtremor measurements used to map thickness of soft sediments . Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 89 , 250–259. Improta L., Villani F., Bruno P.P., CastielloA., De Rosa D., Varriale F., PunzoM., Brunori C.A., Civico R., Pierdominici S., Berlusconi A. and Giacomuzzi G.; 2012: High-resolution controlled-source seismic tomography across the Middle Aterno basin in the epicentral area of the 2009, Mw 6.3, L’Aquila earthquake (central Apennines, Italy) . Ital. J. Geosci. (Boll. Soc. Geol. It.), 131 , 373-388. Konno K. and Ohmachi T.; 1998: Ground motion characteristics estimated from spectral ratio between horizontal and vertical components of microtremor . Bull Seism Soc Am, 88 , 228–241. Lanzo G., Tallini M., Milana G., Di Capua G., Del Monaco F., Pagliaroli A. and Peppoloni S.; 2011: The Aterno Valley strong-motion array: seismic characterization and determination of subsoil model . Bull Earthquake Eng, 9 , 1855–1875. Lunedei E. and Albarello D.; 2010: Theoretical HVSR curves from full wavefield modelling of ambient vibrations in a weakly dissipative layered Earth . Geophys. J. Int., 181 , 1093–1108. Milana G.,Azzara R.M., Bertrand E., Bordoni P., Cara F., Cogliano R., Cultrera G., Di Giulio G., DuvalA.M., Fodarella A., Marcucci S., Pucillo S., Régnier J. and Riccio G.; 2011: The contribution of seismic data in microzonation studies for downtown L’Aquila . Bull. Earthquake Eng., 9 , 741–759. Mucciarelli M.; 1998: Reliability and applicability of Nakamura’s technique using microtremors: an experimental approach . J. Earthquake Engin., 2 , 625-638. Nakamura Y.; 1989: A method for dynamic characteristics estimation of subsurface using microtremor on the ground surface . QR Railway Tech. Res. Inst., 30 , 25–33. SESAME; 2004: Guidelines for the implementation of the H/V spectral ratio technique on ambient vibrations— measurements, processing and interpretations . SESAME European research project EVG1-CT-2000-00026, deliverable D23.12. Tallini M., Cavuoto G., Del Monaco F., Di Fiore V., Mancini M., Caielli G., Cavinato G.P., De Franco R., Pelosi N. and Rapolla A.; 2012: Seismic surveys integrated with geological data for in-depth investigation of Mt. Pettino active Fault area (Western L’Aquila Basin) . Ital. J. Geosci. (Boll. Soc. Geol. It.) 131 , 389-402. 2-D modeling of topographic effects using three basic geometries and the spectral-element method G. Di Giulio Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, L’Aquila, Italy Topographic effect . In the present work, the topographic effect was investigated selecting three basic 2-D geometries and using the feasibility of the spectral-element method (SEM; as implemented in the specfem2d code). The 2-D geometries were a triangle, an half-circle and a slope. 2-D models (P-SV waves) considering a real topography (Mount Ocre in L’Aquila district) were also performed, varying the velocities and the number of nearby topographic peaks. Indeed it is known that jointly with local soil condition, geometrical morphological irregularities (slope, ridge, canyon, cliff, etc.) can amplify the seismic ground motion during earthquakes. Topographic site effects depends strongly on the geometry, on input wave 86 GNGTS 2015 S essione 2.2
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